Border Disputes (Political Organization of Space)
Think-pair-share brainstorm: Why do people dispute borders and territory… why do they care where the border is drawn?
Case Studies we are talking about today: India and Pakistan Kashmir Taiwan The Korean Peninsula As we go through the case studies today, be sure to locate and label the disputed area on your annotated map.
India and Pakistan Split Read the article “India and Pakistan Split” on your own and fill in the organizer on your handout. Be prepared to share. Videos: History of India and Pakistan Daily Border Closing:
The Fight over Kashmir On your map, draw the border of the disputed region of Kashmir. Draw stripes and add to a map key. On your graphic organizer, write down the information requested for this article Video: Kashmir Violence (BBC from 10/9/14) ch?v=a9aXVrEz60E ch?v=a9aXVrEz60E
Taiwan and China On your map, draw a ? over the island of Taiwan When we are done, be able to explain why we drew the ? on the map Video (8 minutes): ch?v=MZqVv2wj6C4 ch?v=MZqVv2wj6C4 Read the Article about the China/Taiwan dispute and complete the questions on your handout.
The Korean Peninsula The 38 th Parallel (label on your map.) Read the Upfront Article pg 24 “From One Korea to Two” stopping at “The Great Leader” on pg 26. Complete the Korea section on your border disputes handout. Videos: v=9R-qZvw26rA v=9R-qZvw26rA -27l0YYksM (about the conflict last Sunday) -27l0YYksM