Roleplay scenarios Practising the skills. Doctor’s tasks 1.Greetings and introductions 2.Listening without interruption to the whole of the patient’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Roleplay scenarios Practising the skills

Doctor’s tasks 1.Greetings and introductions 2.Listening without interruption to the whole of the patient’s opening statement 3.Connecting with the patient, with a very brief summary and brief empathetic comment 4.Checking with the patient for further agenda items.

Observer’s record  Greets  Maintains eye contact  Uses encouraging body language and posture  Listens to end of opening statement without interruption  Uses a short summarising statement  Makes a brief empathetic comment  Asks for any other agenda items

Practising the skills Roleplay 4 mins –PATIENT. He/she uses one of the 3 scenarios provided. The observer also has a copy of the scenario, but the doctor does not see it –DOCTOR. He/she is trying to achieve the 4 tasks using the skills Feedback 4 mins –OBSERVER feeds back the skills covered Change round 1 min

You have hypertension. Tell the doctor you have hypertension and have come back to the doctor for a follow up check of your blood pressure. You want to know more about what the blood pressure reading means, you do not understand. If probed, reveal that you have not been taking your antihypertensive medication.

Tell the doctor that you are a farmer and the parent of 3 children and have been sent by the health visitor to get some treatment for nits. This is the 6th time that your children have had nits this year. If probed, reveal that you know a friend who has been very ill with organophosphate poisoning, and that you are aware that the treatment for nits is an organophosphate.

What you have practised Active listening Summarising Empathic comment (Ideas, concerns and expectations) Agenda setting Negotiation