Many challenges faced when defining Normal behavior Abnormal behavior Multitudes of classifications one must consider when defining abnormality o Situational context o Culture o Ethnicity o Historical relativism o Politics o Evolving theory of knowledge o Gender and sexual preferences/practices o Mind/body o Age o Religion o Vocations
How one defines normal and abnormal behavior Influenced through the situational context Circumstances surrounding specific behavior Define behavior Demographic contexts Race, culture, gender, or religion Continuum between normal and abnormal behavior
Varies across cultural and historical contexts Example: some cultures talk to the dead Different perceptions account for the “culture bound-syndromes” Learning affects a person’s behavior Experience of behavior is culturally relative
Religion Influences one’s behavior through cognition and perception Promotion of behavior is subjective Ethnicity Variations in portrayal of behavior Various ethnicities are more prone to psychological and sociocultural factors that influence behavior
Biological explanations Early beliefs, religious/spiritual Exorcism Trephination Released or removed evil spirits that caused abnormal behavior Transition from spiritual influences to scientific explanations Evolution of classification systems
Socio-cultural influences Family dynamic Religion Economic Status Allows one to hold specific beliefs concerning normalcy and the world Discrimination
Research Double blind study All related factors are equal Reductionism Law of parsimony Paradigm Shifts Evolutionary changes in thinking
Gender is a striking demographic when defining abnormality Disproportionate in women Genetic and hormonal difference between men and women Causes abnormal behaviors through physical and emotional symptoms Sexual preferences or practices Homosexuality used to be considered a mental disorder Sexual preference or practices are a variation of normal sexual behavior
Psychological and biological paradigm Interconnected Interdependent Some disorders have a primary origin that is psychological or biological Most involve both factors Three different principles used to discern the mind/body connection
Behavior is reflective of one’s age Behaviors and impulses vary as one matures Symptoms and behaviors are age dependent Example: depression
Vocation in terms of abnormality Social justice and cultural relativism must be considered Some work simply to survive Partake in practices that are abnormal Not within one’s own vocational aspirations Focus upon external measurers of work-related success Adjust social contexts and internal measures of success
Detriments of labeling Can either be beneficial to understanding of behavioral issue Or can act as a roadblock Creation of a stigma Iatrogenic disorders Misdiagnosis Cultural changes Immigration Mixture of cultures
Defining abnormal behavior requires a multitude of factors Cultural perspectives to religious and political influences Normal and abnormal definitions Based upon a wide range of behaviors Analysis of behavior dependent upon different demographic concepts Race, culture, gender, religion Explains the continuum between normal and abnormal behavior
Guichard, J., Metz, A.J. (2009). Vocational psychology and new challenges. Retrieved from article/ _3.html Hansell, J. & Damour, L. (2008). Abnormal psychology. 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Schumaker, J. (1992). Religion and Mental Health. Oxford University Press.