TOSIBOX LOCK security options 1 1
TOSIBOX LOCK security options, when connected to third party network: 1. ADMIN password 2. LOCK – Client mode -IP/MAC Filtering in Client mode 3. LOCK -SECURE ACCESS - 3G or broadband, L3 Firewall and Mac/IP filtering -LOCK OFFLINE -LOCK OFFLINE – TEMPORATY ONLINE 4. Example; Technical solution in third party network
ADMIN Password -All Lock has unique password. It is important, password will be managed by owner of the network -ADMIN can only change security features on the TOSIBOX Lock
LOCK – Client mode TOSIBOX Lock as a client Easy access to all devices 4 4
LOCK – Client mode IP / MAC FILTERING IN Client mode TOSIBOX Key access to dedicated devices only 5 5
LOCK TOSIBOX Lock, DHCP server on or fixed IP addresses Firewall automatically activated between WAN and LAN 6 6
Advanced Secure Access 3G or broadband, Layer 3 Firewall in use, Mac/IP filtering, corporate VPN feature in use Tosibox Key gets unique static IP address from Tosibox Lock ( REMOTE LAN LAN DHCP OFF Customer LAN WAN Interface Lock WAN will be connected to Customer LAN. Lock IP address will be provided by Customer LAN Lock LAN side set to ”DHCP off” -mode Lock can be set in Offline or Online by Master key (inside network) Possible to limit TOSIBOX Key access to specific devices addressess by IP / MAC filtering Block other internet access from the TOSIBOX key, when connected to the LOCK (corporate VPN) 3G or 4G modem set to TOSIBOX USB port, then Key user will access to sepcific devices by 3G/4G. 7 7
- Managed by administrator in internal network OFFLINE (page 1/2) - Managed by administrator in internal network 8 8
TEMPORARY ONLINE (Page 2/2) OFFLINE – TEMPORARY ONLINE (Page 2/2) - Managed by administrator in internal network, possible to set timer for TOSIBOX Key Users to access network 9 9
Technical solution in third party network ADMIN can set by own TOSIBOX Key all LOCKs to ”offline” - mode. Then Locks haven’t internet connection and remote users can’t access to the Lock Suplyer LAN Internet Server or Remote User When Locks OFFLINE Inside corporate network User (or Admin) can access to TOSIBOX locks by TOSIBOX Key Layer 3 VPN Tosibox Key internal IP-address will be provided by TOSIBOX Lock ( 1. Lock WAN will be connected to corporate LAN network. Lock IP address will be provided by internal network 2. Remote devices will be connected to TOSIBOX Lock LAN –Ports 3. Lock can be set to Offline or Online by ADMIN (inside network) 4. Possible to limit TOSIBOX Key access to specific devices addressess by IP / MAC filtering 5.Possibility to allow access to specific IP address (to WAN) from Lock LAN side. (For example: alarms to specific IP address or printing to inside Corporate LAN network) Device WAN Interface LAN Interface Corporate LAN 10 10