Strategies and Activities for Reducing Racial and Prejudice
What is racial prejudice? To have an unfavorable or discriminatory attitude or belief towards someone else or another group of people primarily on the basis of skin color or ethnicity.
What is racism? Racism exists when racial prejudice is supported by institutions and laws.
Why is it important to reduce racial prejudice and racism? Prevent victims from achieving full potential. Prevent victim's fullest contribution. Prevents benefiting from victim's contributions. They weaken the community as a whole. They increase the likelihood of retaliation. They go against democratic ideals Racism is illegal, in many cases.
How can you reduce racial prejudice and racism Learn about your community. Document activities of racism. Understand the depth of the problem. Identify policies that need to be challenged. Determine short-term and long-term goals. Consider existing and needed resources. Consider how much time you have. Review strategies.
Things you can do in the workplace: Recruit and hire diverse staff and members. Monitor for inclusion and fight racism. Note barriers diverse members face at work.
Things you can do in the media: Contact media about biased or no coverage. Organize media coalition. Organize presentations. Pressure media to hire diverse individuals.
Things you can do in schools: Form a diversity task force or club. Recognize a variety holidays and events. Include anti-racism education in curriculum. Change racist policies in your school.
Things you can do in your neighborhood: Welcome all newcomers. Make "safe zone" signs or stickers. Change policies that are exclusive.
Things you can do in your community Organize a cleanup campaign. Put up "Hate Free Zones" signs. Organize a coalition. Sponsor a community forum on racism. Celebrate traditions of diverse groups. 10Organize anti-racism demonstrations.
Things you can do as an individual: Speak up when you hear racial slurs. Take advantage of events and information. Promote racial understanding at your workplace. Attend events about other cultures.