Racism In The Work Place Women and African American Women
Working Women Women have struggled to get to where they are today, there is no doubt. More and more women are both raising families and working. They are going to college and getting degrees in business and nursing and teaching. Women have truly come a long way, but there are still limits to how far they can go, as represented by the glass ceiling. Women alone in the workforce are paid less and undervalued compared to men
Black Women At Work Black women face the same struggles as White women; however, they have to face issues of diversity on top of inequality. Five basic themes emerged that identify when racism and sexism are experienced as stressors for African American women in the workplace.
Stressors The themes are: (1) being hired or promoted in the workplace (2) defending one’s race and lack of mentorship (3) shifting or code switching to overcome barriers to employment (4) coping with racism and discrimination (5) being isolated and/or excluded
Challenges Yes, women have come a long way, but these key challenges remain: Yes, women have come a long way, but these key challenges remain: 1. Maternity Leave 2. Leadership Roles 3. Sexual Harassment Maternity LeaveLeadership RolesSexual HarassmentMaternity LeaveLeadership RolesSexual Harassment
Changes Differences may have existed in the past but these differences are rapidly disappearing