Social Impact of the Royal Wedding Merna & Sara K
With New Technology.. When Princess Diana was married over 30 years ago, we could connect with the television coverage and the water- cooler conversations the next morning. Through this technology, we can experience it and share our thoughts with people in London or our friends in California. The time difference and location are no longer a factor in our connections. Social Networking has allowed events like this to become a shared experience with a real time conversation about it.
Twitter Twitter is a buzz with royal wedding fever and currently 9 out of the 10 trending tweets worldwide are about this affair. We have everything from the location, to the designer of the dress, the resemblance to Grace Kelly’s dress, and even the fact that they kissed is in the top trends.
Social Sites Twitter: Came up with #RoyalMess and #RoyalSuccess to indicate a tweeter's opinion of "every guest and every dress. (Over 3 million tweets) -graphic will scroll across the bottom of the screen on ABC's TV broadcast of the wedding, displaying in real time the total number of tweets and a tweets-per-minute count from around the globe relating to the ceremony Youtube: Streamed the wedding live Facebook: Statuses to discuss the royal wedding in the past 24 hours, and during the wedding itself, 684,399 status updates referencing the wedding were posted in just four hours in the U.K.,
Royal Wedding comparison to Japan Earthquake and Egypt uprising
Wedding Hurts Economy
TV Channels that aired the Royal Wedding E! BBC MTV ABC CBN