EC4012PA PIC 18F4520 1
Introduction 2
Processor Input Devices Output Devices Memory Devices 3
A processor is also called the central processing unit (CPU). The processor consists of at least the following 3 components: A register Arithmetic logic unit (ALU). Control unit. 4
is a processor in a single ic chip a microcomputer is a computer that uses a micro-processor as its CPU. is referred to as 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit. word length of the microprocessor. 5
is not designed to deal with I/O. interface chips are needed. External memory chips are needed to hold programs and data Glue logic is required to interface with the memory chips, Peripheral chips are needed to interface with I/0 devices. 6
7 7 CPU Memory I/O, Serial, Parallel Ports Timer/Counter UART ADC, DAC DMA
8 Control Bus CPU ALU Control Register Address Bus Memory RAM [Data] I/O Output Devices Input Devices Clock ROM [Program] Stack Data Bus
“Embedded” inside the products we use everyday. “Dedicated” to one task / one specific program Designed for “low-cost, small, low-power performance”. 9
MCU What is a Microcontroller use for ? 10
Consumer Market – includes home appliances: washing machines, TV remotes, MP3 players, VCR and refrigerator 11
Automotive market remote keyless entry, antilock braking and air bags 12
Office automation PCs, keyboards, mouse, modem, sound card, copiers, scanner and printers 13
Telecommunications cellular phones, PSPs, pagers and answering machines 14
Industrial products door locks in hotel rooms, battery chargers and industrial machinery 15
Programs and data are stored in memory in a computer. A computer may contain: semiconductor ; magnetic (harddisk); and optical (cdrom, DVD). 16
Semiconductor memory can be further classified into two major types: random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). 17
Volatile - cannot retain data in the absence of power. also called read write memory. Reading memory is nondestructive. Writes data will overwrite the old data. 18
Two types of RAM technology: static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM). 19
Read_Only memory is non-volatile, it retain data in the absence of power. Data stored in these chips is either unchangeable or requires a special operation to change. 20