Professor of Adult and Continuing Education – University of Georgia in Athens 1965 B.A. degree 1971 M. Ed. Degree 1978 Ed. D. degree Northern Illinois University, VA Polytechnic Institute and State University Main research/writing activities focus on adult education, adult development/learning Served on many committees Co-Editor of Adult Education Quarterly 5 years Co-Editor of Professional Practices in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
Numerous books Translated into many different languages Recent publications Author, Co-Author, editor of 25 books Co-Editor of Adult Education Quarterly Workshops and seminars on Adult Learning and Qualitative research After Grad College Peace Corps Back in the US Taught English in Middle School
Selected to be a Research Fellow with the Project for the Study of Adult Learning (PSAL) Selected as an Advisor/Mentor for the National Extension Leadership Development (NELD) program Meritorious Service Award Senior Teaching Fellow, Office of Instructional Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA One of two delegates from the commission of Professors of Adult Education (CPAE) 1998 – senior Fulbright scholar to Malaysia 2000 – Houle World Award Inaugural Class of the University of Georgia Teaching Academy 2002 – recipient of Career Achievement Award 2003 – International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame 2004 – elected to Board of Directors March to June 2006 – distinguished visiting scholar
Phyllis Cunningham
Born: November 10, 1927 Died : April 24, 2012 One of the first women of modern adult education who was admitted to key professional positions Urban Life Center Gradutate program – Northern Illinois University (1996) International Council for Adult Education
Doctorate in Education Lifetime Achievement Award Outstanding Service and Dedication to Latino/a and African American Students in Adult Continuing Education 1996 – Hall of Fame John Ranton McIntosh Visiting Scholar Award Honorary Professor 2003 – retirement 2010 – Phyllis Cunningham Social Justice Institute Conexion Comunidad
WORKS CITED "International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame." University of Oklahoma Outreach - College of Continuing Education, n.d. Web. 12 Apr "PHYLLIS M. CUNNINGHAM | | Obituary." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr "Professor Sharan Merriam." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr Saudelli, Mary G., Dolana Magodime, and Nancy Taber. "A Conversation with Sharan Merriam: Globalization and Adult Education." Brock University, n.d. Web. 12 Apr "Sharan Merriam." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 12 Apr