Ensuring the “Chemistry” in Europe’s Regions is Ripe for Innovation? Russel Mills Dow Europe & SusChem Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation.Brussels – 7 th March European Regions transitioning to Lower Carbon Economies
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels Company Technology Platform HLG CEE Common Interest in Effective Innovation Frameworks to facilitate innovations Enabling leadership in resource efficiencies in EU Implementing NOW (before other regions value)
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels Overview 2. Enabling needed Innovations - total value chain resource efficiency 3. Speeding that Innovation - stakeholders focusing on progress 1. Understanding future Innovation - in lower carbon economies
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels 1. Understanding Future Innovation Some reminders on innovation : In knowledge economy, generating knowledge is the start (initial investment) –Converting investments in know-how or new ideas (research) back into wealth & jobs is the goal Focus is on excellence –“outperforming the alternatives” We’re all involved –equally applicable to older (thriving) industries
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels 1. Understanding Future Innovation Innovation requires Portfolio approach - Incremental + Breakthrough - Continuous incremental improvements yield real value Imagine if our industry/company performance was copied by EU citizens or USA citizens EU: climate goals USA: no M.E. imports
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels Transitioning to low resource economies requires efficiency in every step of the value chain – “Chemistry” often key enabler Petroleum Minerals Biomass Energy Transport Construction Health and hygiene Safe food supply Communications Clothing & furnishings Recreation etc. Chemicals By-products & waste streams 2. Value Chain innovation
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels 2. Chemistry Value Chain Innovations More intelligent bio-mass use via bio-refinery concept i.e. turning waste into higher value Chemicals or Fuel
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels 2.5 m 27 m 2. Chemistry Value Chain Innovations From batch to continuous plus Process Intensification gains Reducing space, waste, energy, defects etc.
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels Catalysis, process technology and/or chemicals to enable CO2 capture Making CCS economically viable at scale 2. Chemistry Value Chain Innovations
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels 2. Chemistry Value Chain Innovations Integrated approaches for the smart energy homes of the future Making use of fuel cells, thin film solar, bio-gas, phase change materials etc.
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels Lightweight plastics and composites Paint to increase durability Improved efficiency seals Antifouling paints to reduce marine pollution and fuel consumption Lower VOC paints Biodegradable metal working fluids Adhesives which aid disassembly Lubricants and fuel additives to improve fuel economy and emissions Exhaust catalysts Biofuels Fuel cells and other new power units Raw materialsManufactureDistributionUseDisposal/recycle 2. Chemistry Value Chain Innovations
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels Biomass co-firing for coal power plant and industrial CHP (Combined Heat and Power) to optimise both resource use & energy efficiency 2. Chemistry Value Chain Innovations Bio-based tyre tread for 2-6% energy savings Platinum nanoparticle catalyst for fuel cells
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels 3. Speeding Progress Taste is the enemy of Creativity Perfection is the enemy of Innovation There are never perfect solutions, but there are always better alternatives
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels 3. Speeding Progress Industries innovate - Governments enable We will innovate more, the only question is where –First support & stimulate before you regulate –Prioritise! - we invest where we can be world-class Chemical industry is key enabler for industrial innovation Support initiatives to integrate chemistry processes that facilitate downstream innovations –Ensuring “Sustainable Chemistry” is sustained in EU Support early deployment and market pull initiatives More assertive use of our market power will ensure most resource efficient innovators implement first in the EU
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels SusChem: visit or HLG on Competitiveness, Energy & Environment: 3 rd report that focuses on innovation available on site of DG Enterprise Dow: Surf at to review our commitments to energy efficiency, renewables & climate changewww.dow.com For more information
Fostering Competitiveness through Innovation - Russel Mills – 7 th March Brussels Summary Resource efficiency already offers high value growth –Implementation NOW is key to maintain advantage Off-shoring world class energy intensive industries will not contribute to global climate change problem –Improving efficiency NOW (in EU) will contribute Some already implement integrated approaches that build on enabling technologies (such as Chemistry) –IS YOUR REGION OPEN (NOW) TO IMPLEMENT SUCH INNOVATIONS? The “Chemistry” is ripe for Innovation