Five Good Emperors Karly and Kat
Who Are They and When Did They Rule ? In chronological order- Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius Each ruler adopted their successor Because they were adopted it meant they had to earn the throw instead of inheriting ruled in Rome from AD
Why were they called “good” ? period of relative peace, stability, and prosperity Commonly thought of as a golden age for Roman society participated in projects ranging from construction of public structures to arranging peaceful agreements
Nerva (96-98 A.D.) 60 year old aristocratic senator Support came from the Senate Decreased heavy taxes Recalled all those who had been exiled Known for giving the citizens of Rome excessive freedom and liberty
Nerva (96-98 A.D.) *continue* Praetorian Guard started putting Domitian's murderers to death without a trial Nerva wasn't able of controlling this rebellion himself he decided to share his rule with a general from Spain called Trajan NERVA TRAJAN
Trajan ( A.D.) expanded the empire conquered the lands south- east of the Black sea assisted poor landowners to improve their properties by giving them loans Built a library contain half Greek books and half Latin built a basilica, theatres, baths,bridges, roads and aqueducts
Trajan ( A.D.) *continue* Had a beautiful marble column built to depict the successful war against the Dacians This Column stood in the forum
Hadrian ( A.D.) Adopted by Trajan Built a great wall along the borders of Britain Named a new city and built a temple in honor of his friend Antinous Not much happened during his reign
Antoninus Pius ( A.D) Hadrian adopted Antoninus Pius so he could succeed him as emperor ruled in the interest of the good of his subjects Pius by his citizens for the respect he paid to Hadrian's memory Had a temple built to Hadrian Ruled for 23 years with his adopted son by his side
Marcus Aurelius (161–180 A.D ) Rule lasted 19 years Philosopher Spent much of his time at the head of his army great plague occurred brought by the soldiers who had fought in the east The plague marks the end of the golden age
WORKS CITED perors.htm perors.htm Emperors Emperors tm tm