Español 1 lunes el 29 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up (pick up new one) Test Review Day – Clicker practice test questions Tarea (HW): Study Notes for test: – Subject pronouns – Identifying subjects & verbs in sentences Test Tomorrow!
Warm Up: Spanish1 lunes 9/29 Answer the following questions in Spanish: 1.¿Cómo te llamas? 2.¿De dónde eres?
Español 2 lunes el 29 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up Picture Cards: body parts & other nouns Q & A (vocab sheet) Review verb picture sheet (from Fri.) Tarea (HW): Study 7.1 vocab terms
Warm Up: Spanish2 lunes 9/29 Use your vocab sheet and give the Spanish name of each body part. 1.Head 2. Face 3. Eyes 4. Mouth
Español 1 martes el 30 de septiembre Daily Warm-up Test: vocab & grammar section 1.1 Pick up & define section 1.2 vocabulary – Bring up to check in when done – Homework if not done (due tomorrow) Tarea (HW): -Study new vocab list 1.2
Warm Up: Spanish 1 martes 9/30 List the Spanish subject pronoun you would use to speak “to” the following people: 1.Your principal 2.Your best friend 3.Yourself
Español 2 martes el 30 de septiembre Daily Warm-up Picture Card vocab Body Project – Explain and begin (full hour work day Wed.) Tarea (HW): -Continue to study vocab 7.1 (quiz next week)
Warm Up: Spanish 2 martes 9/30 Write the Spanish term for each picture listed:
Español 1 miércoles el 1 de octubre Daily Warm-up Check In & Go over vocab list 1.2 Numbers Practice – Pronounce them – Video (# rap) – Worksheet: Los Números 0-35 Tarea (HW): Study new vocab 1.2 YOU NEED YOUR BOOK!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 miércoles 10/1 Write out the following statements and then put them in correct number order. a.___Tengo que irme. Adiós. b.___Soy de Venezuela. c.___Mucho gusto. d.___Hola. Me llamo Fernando. e.___¿De dónde eres Fernando?
Español 2 miércoles el 1 de octubre Daily Warm-up Body Project Work Day – See me if you need any supplies. – Clean up after yourself!! Tarea (HW): Study vocab 7.1 (quiz next week)
Warm Up: Spanish 2 miércoles 10/1 Answer the following questions about your body project: 1.Are you working alone or in a group? If working in a group, who are you working with? 2.What type of drawing are you planning on making? Now you can get started
El Cuerpo (Body Project) Work alone or in a group of 2 (max) – Working alone (8x11 size) – Working in pairs (larger size such as poster paper) Create a creative organism with body parts: – Must have at least 10 body parts. – Must be neatly hand drawn & colored. – Must have proper spelling, accent marks and articles included (el, la, los, las).
Español 1 jueves el 2 de octubre New Seats Daily Warm Up Numbers practice (verbal) Notes: Telling Time Tarea (HW): Memorize numbers 0-31 Study your notes on Telling Time YOU NEED YOUR BOOK!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 jueves 10/2 What number is associated with each clue? Write out the Spanish word for each number. 1.Hours in a day 2.Days in a week 3.Lucky clover 4.Halloween
Español 2 jueves el 2 de octubre Daily Warm-up Body Project work time (~30 minutes) Vocab y Exprésate practice pg – Worksheet: routine and body parts Tarea (HW): Continue to study your vocab terms 7.1 YOU NEED YOUR BOOK Everyday!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 jueves 10/2 Project Work Time (last day in class) If you are done, study vocab or work on something else.
Español 1 viernes el 3 de octubre Daily Warm-up – Ex. 25 & 26 pg. 20 (on a separate paper) – Turn in stapled to warm up sheet. – Also turn in Los Números worksheet too. Silent Reading: Taste of Spain Tarea (HW): Memorize numbers 0-31 Study your notes on Telling Time YOU NEED YOUR BOOK!
Español 2 viernes el 3 de octubre Daily Warm-up & turn in G H R: Dancing to the Music of Love Ex. 1 & 2 pg. 236 (write out full answers) Tarea (HW): Continue to study your vocab terms 7.1
Warm Up: Spanish 2 viernes 10/3 List at least 3 things that you do to get ready. (In Spanish from our 7.1 verbs list)