Daisy - Main Character Ryan- Main Character’s Boyfriend Poppy- Main Character’s sister Liam- Poppy’s Boy Friend Rose- Main Character Sister Nicolas- Rose’s Boyfriend
Hotel Prom Outside Grocery Store
Problem- Trying to find out who put Lilly In to the Juke Box Missing- They found one of the girls who killed Circe but they didn’t know it was another one so now there looking for the other killer Secret- the other person who killed Circe is the per son who put Lilly in the Juke Box Event Not Explained- In the Hotel Circe was killed (shot) But they never Explained why any body would wont to shoot her Problem- Trying to find out who put Lilly In to the Juke Box Missing- They found one of the girls who killed Circe but they didn’t know it was another one so now there looking for the other killer Secret- the other person who killed Circe is the per son who put Lilly in the Juke Box Event Not Explained- In the Hotel Circe was killed (shot) But they never Explained why any body would wont to shoot her
When Ryan and daisy went out for breakfast The next morning after the prom and when they were leaving a little boy named Lil was singing songs, giving them hints that there is one more person.
There really was no distractions in this book they just stayed on tacks and never let any thing get in the way of this investigation
It’s springtime of senior year, and Daisy is waiting to say goodbye to Nightshade High. But that’s not the only thing Daisy’s dealing with. There’s a vamps-versus-shifters war going on in Nightshade, and it is so bad that the school is trying to cancel the prom. The conflict is carrying over to the Daisy’s home, since Rose and Daisy are both dating werewolves and Poppy’s new boyfriend is a vampire.