EPLAW and the Unified Patent Court. EPLAW The European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW) was founded in 2001 as a non-profit making association of experienced.


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Presentation transcript:

EPLAW and the Unified Patent Court

EPLAW The European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW) was founded in 2001 as a non-profit making association of experienced patent litigation lawyers in the European Community. Its aim is to promote the equitable and efficacious handling of patent disputes across Europe. Members of the association are skilled lawyers who work across the spectrum of patent and Intellectual Property-related issues for their clients. Its 340 members come from most jurisdictions across Europe. Richard Ebbink EPLAW President Partner at Brinkhof Based in Amsterdam, Netherlands Edward Nodder EPLAW Advisory Board Member Head of Patent Litigation at Bristows Based in London, UK Penny Gilbert EPLAW Vice President Partner at Powell Gilbert Based in London, UK

Unified Patent Court: Update 3 Country updates Spain Belgium Italy Outstanding consultations Including fees Timeline Any questions?

Considerations and planning for the UPC Which sectors are most impacted? Roles of patent attorneys and lawyers under the new regime and during the transition period Opt-out considerations for businesses Key risks to patent holders under the new regime

For further information: