Breakdown of tests foreseen in preparation for beam Equipment folder: tests results, handling of NC, performance below specs, machine as commissioned vs. machine as specified Piquet/Experts availability
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
LHCCWG 19/06/07BI Readiness [JJ Gras]4 LHC Monitor Installation 1/2 LHC Beam Instrumentation consists of Beam Position: 1182 BPM (~15 different types) Beam Losses: ~4000 BLM (IC and SEM) Beam Intensity: 4 BCTDC (DC current transformer) 4 BCTFR (fast ring current transformer) - 4 BCTFD (fast dump line current transformer) 2 BSRA (abort gap monitor) Beam Transverse Profile: 2 BSRT (synchrotron radiation telescope) 2 BWS (wire scanners) 4 BGI (ionization gas monitors), 33 BTV (Beam TV Monitors) Tune and Chromaticity: 14 BPL (dedicated pick-ups) 4 BQK (tune kickers) 4 BQS (Schottky monitors) Luminosity: 8 BRA (2 types)
LHCCWG 19/06/07BI Readiness [JJ Gras]5 LHC Monitor Installation 2/2 All monitors are installed except: BLMs in LSS1R, 2L&R, 5L and 7L&R (i.e. 15% of the total) in progress or waiting for green light Interconnection, end of vacuum interventions). We’ll extend our Russian team contract up to May for this and rely after on CERN staff and FSU to handle the contingencies BRAN detectors 4 (out of 4) AB/BI CdTe detectors ready for installation 2 (out of 4) Berkeley’s ionization chambers to be shipped in April. These monitors are not linked to vacuum
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
BI Test Procedures 1/4
Procedures 2/4: EDMS LHC HW Baseline
Procedures 3/4: Content Common Chapters shared by BI procedures List and description of tests per architecture layers Tests sorting per commissioning phases
Procedure State 4/4 We agreed with the HWC team and the MTF providers that we will extend these procedures, originally limited to initial HW commissioning, to Machine check-outs, repeated each shutdowns Commissioning with beam Regular tests during the run (‘good as new’) The procedures are currently reviewed to include these new tests.
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
BI Manufacturing and Test Folders 1/3 We use the MTF steps to log our tests result for HW commissioning Machine check-outs Beam commissioning and regular test results will be kept in the operational logging DB We also use the MTF properties to store information on layout or performance measurement performed during installation for the distributed systems BLM & BPM. These properties will be used for the initial online configuration of the monitor software and the control layout maintenance.
MTF 2/3: BPM Steps
MTF 3/3: BPM Properties
NC Handling 1/5 Most of the time, problems detected during installation or HWC (broken electronics, bad connectors…) are treated and fixed immediately In some rare cases, this is not possible (i.e. non conformity on a BPM in a cryostat). In these cases, we issue a NC document via the monitor MTF in the corresponding step.
NC Handling 2/5: BPM NC
NC Handling 3/5: BPM NC
NC Handling 4/5: BPM NC
NC Handling
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
Access Conditions 1/5
Access Conditions 2/5 Free AccessNo Access Restricted Access RF Tests – No Access for Months!
Access Conditions 3/5 We have to pass after inter connections (BLM/BPM in the arcs) and after bake-out in the LSS. cope with co-activity and access conditions co-habit with RF in point 4 where most of our individual systems are concentrated (no collimators or inj/ext kickers) So our time is counted and we work in close collaboration with planning and HWC teams to organize our interventions
Access Conditions 4/5 We evaluated and listed all the interventions we still have to do for the HWC of our instrument. We maintain and update this list in a file shared with planning and HWC teams We classify intervention per sectors with the following color schema
Access Conditions 4/5 This gives:
Access Conditions 5/5 Every week, we eliminate what has been done and Valentina (Planning Team) tells us what we can do next week adds contingencies (interconnect re-opening, second bake out of a zone…) warns us if access conditions change during the week This not easy but necessary We hope that this will become an habit for everybody in the coming weeks to avoid recent hiccups (agreed access refused once in the tunnel) We’ll have to find some agreement with RF to get some access during their tests
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
Beam Position Monitors All electronics cards (tunnel & surface) are first passed through a test bench where parameters of relevance for nonlinearity correction are stored in MTF. The full cabling & BPM chain (small coax, cryo feedthough, cryo-cables, button feedthrough) is tested during HWC for non conformities. Some 14 NC (out of all interconnects) have so far been created, of which we have managed to bring approx half back into tolerance by changing the components - the others are still marked as NCs. The origin of these NCs are all slightly different (cryocables not firmly connected, overtightening of cryo-flange connections, damaged cryo cables), but half of them were found in sector 6-7, and all had passed a similar test in SMI2. BPM mapping checks are systematically performed after installation (i.e. ~80% of LHC system is already verified for this). Finally, Sputnik tests allow full commissioning of FIFO acquisition mode, which will be used for beam threading If these tests are successful, the system will be ok for machine check out and the only things left to do with beam should then be the polarity checks the fast timing set up of all BPMs.
Beam Loss Mon. All electronics cards (tunnel & surface) are first passed through a test bench where parameters of relevance are stored in MTF. The full cabling & BLM chain is tested during HWC. The ‘HV modulation’ and ‘acquisition via test signals’ together should check every channel response and correct mapping. The test via RA source seems nevertheless necessary for this critical system. This second check of functioning and configuration of the system will reduce the errors. We have at many locations a mounting and dismounting of monitors, which potentially increases the risk of making mistakes that would make the diagnostic and tuning with beam of the system even more difficult. If these tests are successful, the BLM system should be ready for machine check-out and beam commissioning
Beam TV Monitors - 31 cameras (out of 33) are installed and aligned - 31 associated electronics are installed The 31 systems have passed the hardware commissioning tests (steps defined for MTF) 'locally' and throught the VME systems (BTV cards with VME acces CTRL). Everything is up to date in MTF. The 2 remaining systems are waiting for machine installation progress (point 8: back-out to be redone week 13 and point 2: back-out week 14(?)) BTV systems should be ready for machine check-out and profile measurements
Wire Scanners Mechanics and detector installation in the tunnel are done on right side and in progress on left side, including local test. US45 electronics installation will follow before the end of March allowing full acquisition chain checks. If these tests are successful, the BWS system will be ready for machine check-out and profile measurements in the ‘bunch averaging’ mode. Bunch by bunch profile acquisition will require fast timing tuning.
Synchrotron Light Telescopes BSRT RA43 (beam 2) In place, currently in HWC, to be followed by Cold check week 14 BSRT RA47 (beam 1) In place, HWC starts with access in week 12, cold check week 19 Then the Video acquisition will be ready, calibrated to the test target, all data transmissions checked as far as CCC, and left running with a test target during the following cool down. The fast cameras will also be fitted (even before the intensifiers are available) to enable run time load and data transmission tests in the HWC and machine checkout phases. The intensifiers will be fitted during a short access to be defined in May/June (TDB with RF). After machine check out, the BSRTs will be ready for initial beam commissioning (apart from "just before beam" access). "just before beam" is a 1 hour access needed to set the hardware from target to machine light.
Ionization Gas Monitors HWC of the warm magnet have been done. They are ready for machine check out once their operational mode will be agreed. The camera, optics and tunnel electronics plus the US45 electronics will be installed by the end of the month allowing acquisition and control chain checks. We’ll most probably need a local pressure bump to see 2008 low intensity beams. The original design to inject gas agreed with AT/VAC is now considered risky by AT/VAC who would like to investigate other options. The current agreement is that they will install what has been foreseen but that injection will only be used on dedicated MD and not on standard routines BGIs will be ready for machine check out beginning of April but most commissioning with beam issues will be linked to the available gas injection system.
Beam Current Transformers Tunel and alcove electronic will be ready for HWC on week 18. Several diagnostic and simulation units are foreseen to test the calibration procedures These systems will be available for machine checkout from 4-5 cool-down onwards (~ week 21) Both should then be ready for beam expect high band width acquisition mode of the fast BCTs (bunch by bunch acquisition, dump line) which will require fast timing tuning.
Luminosity Monitors BRANB Pt 2&8 ; BI Monitors The electronics installations will be finished for the end of March. We will then remove detectors and re-installed as late as possible since they are not necessary during the HWC and machine check out phases and would not survive an un-announced bake-out. If these tests are successful, these monitors will be ready for machine check out in April and the following tuning will be left for beam fast timing and coincidence synchronisation threshold scans background evaluation… BRANA Pt 1&5 ; Berkeley Monitors 2/4 chambers installed: one has a dead quadrant and both need modifications (do not stand the nominal High Voltage) Two more chambers are expected some time in April, No electronics installed as none exists yet. Our feeling is that it will at best be "just in time". BI envisage to install temporary scintillators/PMT systems as plan B in case something goes wrong with the ICs. If we manage to install and HWC these monitors in time, commissioning with beam will be as for BRANA
A word on ‘global’ Tests EMC Local effect of Kickers in Pt 6 (extraction), 2 and 8 (injection), 4 (tune and aperture) RF in Pt 4 Collimation motorization in point 3 and 7 On our instrumentation (Pick-Ups, BLM, BTV and BCTs) will be tested in collaboration with the concerned AB groups. UPS infrastructure BI has INB critical systems (BPM, BLM and BCTs) under UPS to ensure that Post-Mortem buffers are retrieved and stored even during a major power cut. Should we check that nothing has been forgotten along the whole acquisition line?
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
Machine Check Out Once HWC is ok, we can start machine check out of an instrument in order to Check its integration in the control system Check its functionality Debug it as much as we can before beam Have people involved (‘commissioners’ from OP/ABP) knowing and 'owning' the systems.
Machine Check Out We will base this activity on the summary dashboard on our Wiki Web. Test of the software public interface agreed with OP/ABP RBAC implementation will start when the configuration tools will be ready 2 dedicated test servers are in place to assess our logging needs before migration to operational servers Fixed Displays and Graphical User Interfaces Testing processes introduced in the LHC sequencer to regularly (ie before each fill) check the status of our instruments
Machine Check Out The BI SW responsible of the instrument will organize the continuous assessment of its instruments, ie: find/organize time slots, also outside official dry runs, where conditions allowing to test a (or several) box of the dashboard are met. Invite the instrument team members to test the box together or by sub-groups depending of the case maintain the dashboard info up to date (color scheme and details on the box dedicated page) and prepare battle field for the next iteration We’ll also prepare a sequence of events (injection, BLM/BPM/BSRT/BQ measurements, start of ramp, beam dumped,...) and ask Mike to play it for us regularly outside dedicated dry runs. Like this, we should be able to progress between the ooficial dry runs.
Machine Check Out In addition to this, we will also participate to the LSA dry runs. This dashboard should help the organiser to know what they can use The details of this approach will be discussed next week during LHCCWG and we hope to be able to launch this activity during the second half of March on several individual systems Finally, AB/BI do not see the need today to have a piquet service during the HWC and machine check-out period and will organize these tests during normal working hours.
Nominal Workflow = Outline of my Talk Monitor Installation HWC Procedure Documentation Manufacturing & Test Folder Instantiation – NC Handling Getting Access during others HWC periods HWC of our monitorsUpdate MTF Ready for BeamMachine Check-Out
Conclusions BI HW commissioning for individual systems starts really now that we can. Most of it will be finished before RF tests start again but we will need some accesses in point 4 during this period. Distributed system HWC is in progress following installation Machine check out will follow HWC instrument per instrument and will be done in collaboration with the OP/ABP commissioners Then … See Rhod’s presentation tomorrow