If you’re texting, you’re not driving! By: Haylee Shimmel, Lindsay Roudybush, & Briana Lanaro Briana Lanaro
Surveys 34% say they have texted while driving. 82% of Americans age own a cell phone. 52% say they have talked on a cell phone while driving. 1 out of every 3 people text and drive on a daily basis.
Where it all started…. From a peak in 1976, when 3.2 million students in 17,000 public schools took driver education courses, the numbers has steadily declined. In 1981 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration dropped driver education from its list of priority programs however, many states still require formal training as a condition of licensure prior to age 18.
Focus Your mind is somewhere else, and not focusing on the road. It has been proven that no one can multi-task.
Fatalities Killing innocent bystanders from you texting and driving.” You can take your own life.” Living with the guilt of killing someone else.”
Peer Pressure People encourage texting while driving. People think it’s fine. People think they are invincible. They see other people text while driving so they think it’s alright to do it as well. ** Be the better person **
Life Changing Physical aspect, like looks or unable to use your five senses, etc. Your family and friendship status can decline or disappear. Your self-esteem declines. Any normal task you do on a daily basis are harder or impossible to do.
Liz Marks’ Story m/watch?v=t7911kgJJZc m/watch?v=t7911kgJJZc m/watch?v=t7911kgJJZc
Ways to prevent.. Turn your sound off on your phone. Put your cell phone away somewhere in your car. (out of sight, out of mind) Let people know when you’re driving to not text you. Call police. Hands free app.
Being a passenger... 1.) The Direct Approach 2.) The Subtle Approach 3.) The “Wow, look at that bad driver!” Approach 4.) The Group Approach 5.) The Life-Saving Approach
PA Laws Against Texting While Driving Text messaging while driving prohibited for all drivers, the fine is $50. No statewide limits on cell phone use. Texting law went into effect in March 8, At least three bills before the general assembly seek to ban the cell phone use.
Reality… m/watch?v=30SpScVCfA I m/watch?v=30SpScVCfA I m/watch?v=30SpScVCfA I
Summary We know there is no way to make people stop texting and driving completely, but we can all be a part in trying to decrease the numbers. We need all your help, this presentation might change some of your minds but we need everyone to stand up against texting while driving.
Work Cited h.gov/books/NBK9669/ h.gov/books/NBK9669/ h.gov/books/NBK9669/ drivingsafety.com/texti ng-and-driving-stats/ drivingsafety.com/texti ng-and-driving-stats/ drivingsafety.com/texti ng-and-driving-stats/ om om om een/your_mind/proble ms/no_texting.html een/your_mind/proble ms/no_texting.html een/your_mind/proble ms/no_texting.html m/pennsylvania-cell- phone-laws-legislation/ m/pennsylvania-cell- phone-laws-legislation/ m/pennsylvania-cell- phone-laws-legislation/