Windenergy Why wind can meet all our energy needs Jonna Bloeme Marjolein Groeneveld Roos van der Linde Eveline Wiegers
Windenergy is produced by wind turbines Wind turbines use wind to produce energy Wind flows over the blades The blades are connected to drive shaft Drive shaft is connected to a electric generator Electricity is generated and then sent through wires to households Windenergy: how it works
Blades Electric generator Drive shaft Windenergy: how it works
Windturbines used to be very expensive but now the price is decreasing The government also helps with this, they are giving subsidies to support the use of windturbines What does it cost?
Wind Energy in the Netherlands nowadays 2000 Wind turbines 4% of the total Dutch electricity need That means : enough energy to provide 1.2 million households annually in the Netherlands with energy.
YearTotal amount of windmills Total amount of power in MW Overview
Future goals in the Netherlands Energy capacity must increase from 2000 MW in 2012 to 6000 MW in New target to use 14% of wind energy in 2020
Planned new wind platforms in The Netherlands 2 new windplatform are planned in The Netherlands These windplatforms will provide 100 MW each. These projects are set up in Flevoland and the Noordoostpolder.
The EU imposed this target: By 2020, 20% of the energy generated must be sustainable 12% to 14% must be wind energy Future goals for Europe
Wind Energy worldwide nowadays: Worldwide capacity of wind powered generator was 238 GW = 2.5% of worldwide electricity usage.
Future goals worldwide Annual growth in new installations: 27.6% Expected growth in usage: 2013: 3.35% 2018: 8%
Some people find wind mills a ‘pollution’ to the landscape> they take lots of space and are often considered as ugly Wind mills make a noise Every year, birds die, because they fly into to the rotor of a wind mill The costs of placing wind mills are very high Disadvantages of windenergy
There will be a shortage of fossil fuels in the future. This is not the case with wind energy; there is always wind With the combustion of fossil fuels, CO2 is released. As we all know CO2 has a negative effect to the greenhouse effect. Turning wind energy into electricity is relatively cheap and easy Benefits of wind energy
Wind mills can be placed everywhere Wind energy is the cheapest way of generating energy When having our own energy supply, we are not dependent on instable political countries Benefits of wind energy
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