W ELCOME TO 10 TH G RADE E NGLISH W EDNESDAY 22 J AN Agenda: ► Send Well Wishes to Our POL Competitors! ► Review Schedule/Lunches for Today ► 5 Minutes to Practice Poem ► Fernald’s Example Recitation ► Final Recitation with Emotions and Gestures Homework: 1. Practice your poem using the feedback from your peers/me to enhance your emotions, intonation, volume and pacing. 2. Final Memorized Poem Due Tues thru Fri of this week (Jan ).
L EARNING T ARGETS 1. I can stand with my feet hip width apart, with my weight evenly distributed, and with my hands down by my sides. 2. I can use a variety of rhythm and pace to communicate how my speaker feels. 3. I can vary my volume and intonation to match how my speaker feels. 4. I can make all gestures and movements essential to my poem’s success.
5 M INUTE P OEM P RACTICE Directions: Pay special attention to the following as you practice 1. Pace: vary the pace. Slow down and speed up. Pause (not at the end of every line, but when punctuation or feeling calls for a pause). Run some lines together. 2. Volume: vary volume. Speak louder when you speed up, or speak quietly when you slow down. 3. Annunciation: vary the articulation. Articulate most words, and soften or draw out other words with intention. 4. Gesturing: stand still with feet hip width apart, gesture when only absolutely necessary, aim to keep hands down by sides. No fidgeting.
P ERIOD 1 F INAL SCHEDULE 1. Kylee Dally 2. Austin Shay 3. Lance Johnson 4. Maria F 5. Nikolas S 6. Victoria D 7. Justin S 1. Shannon 2. Keyonna 3. Delaney 4. Kasey 5. Lucas 6. Yusa 7. Trevor 8. Ema 9. Jared 10. Sabrina 11. Jordan 12. Jarid 13. Faith 14. Cheyanne 15. Sage 16. Bailey 17. Andre 18. Sara 19. Luke 20. John 21. Moorea Tuesday January 21 st Wednesday January 22 nd
P ERIOD 2 F INAL S CHEDULE 1. Christian 2. Claudia C 3. Levi 4. Elexus 5. Tallen 6. Emily 7. Dominic 8. Emilie F 9. Cindy H 10. Tanner H 11. Colton 12. Marcus 13. Olivia L 14. Kosei 15. Andrew 16. Chasity 17. David 18. Kenny Thursday January 23rd
P ERIOD 3 F INAL S CHEDULE 1. Hannah 2. Bennett 3. Sarah 4. Cadi 5. Maddie W 6. Brendan 7. Ashley 8. Steven 9. Jake 1. Phoebe 2. Jessica 3. Mason 4. Vince 5. Izaak 6. Brady 7. Hodapp 8. Allison 9. Larken 10. Alivia 11. Hailey 12. Tyler C 13. Blake 14. MaddieH 15. Evelyn T 16. Kaitlin F 17. David 18. Michael 19. Biance 20. Claire 21. Jared Tuesday January 21stFriday January 24th