Aerospace Engineer, AST, Research Pilot
Why I choose this career The reason I choose this career because I have interesting in working in NASA every since I was a kid. Also I want to gain enough experience in flying so later on in the future I’ll have a better chance to become an astronaut.
Educational Requirements Bachelor Degree Accredited college or university with major study in STEM Degree in Engineering Technology U.S Citizen
Experience Requirements GS 12 level should include 1500 hours of Pilot Command time 5 years of military or commercial flight experience GS 13 level should include 2500 years of Pilot in Command time
Experience Requirements (Continued) 500 hours as the Pilo9t in command in transport or bomber class aircraft with a minimum gross weight of 150,000 pounds developmental 75 hours of instrument time
Personality Seeking outstanding scientist, engineer, and other talented professional to carry out forward the discovery process that its mission demand. Creativity Ambition Team work and sense of daring and a probing mind Best place to work for federal government
Job Description Piloting aircraft in research, development and test programs Test parameters, performing flight and/or ground simulation of advance missions and aircraft Participating with project engineers and science responsible for the for the development, design, testing, evaluation and reporting on aircraft modification or new aircraft system On board scientific instrument and actively participating with project scientist to design and exclude flight profile to obtain desired data Full time/ permanent
Job Description/Budget On board scientific instrument and actively participating with project scientist to design and exclude flight profile to obtain desired data Full time/ permanent