The Urban Service Area Why limit the size of the USA? What do we know about Population Accommodation? Tools to increase accommodation in the USA Future Land Use Categories Rural Communities Rural Urban Fringe Lake Protection Additional and Emerging Topics Growing Leon
Reduces the premature development of rural lands Fosters more compact development that fosters more transportation alternatives that fosters the reduction of Green House Gas emissions Fosters more affordable living (smaller lots and reduced transportation costs) Increases efficiency of local government to provide urban services Why Limit the USA?
2008 = 274, = 340,800 Growth = 65,908 people Population Projections (BEBR) What do we know about population and units needed? Persons Per Unit 2008 City = 2.13 (County = 2.61) New Units Needed by ,908 people / 2.13 people per unit = 30,942 Units
Current USA Limits Population Accommodation and the USA
Current USA Limits Planned Development Population Accommodation and the USA
Southwood =3,166 units remaining in DRI Fallschase =1,514 units Southside =2,800 units Welaunee =4,819 units (Toe and Heel only) Pinnacle = 400 units Summerfield= 447 units (PUD) Hopkins North= 480 units est.(192 res. ac. x 2.5 DU/ac.) Collin English = 2,000 units est. (9,350 based on SESP) Total = 15,626 units Population Accommodation and the USA Major Planned Developments
Other Major Ongoing and Proposed Projects Inside the USA (greater than 40 units each) Population Accommodation and the USA
Major Planned Developments 15,626 Units + Other Ongoing and 7,011 Units Proposed Projects = 22,637 Units
Population Accommodation and the USA New Units Needed by ,942 Units Planned and Ongoing Projects 22,637 Units =8,305 Units Remaining Units Needed by 2030 Note: No units have been attributed to: Welaunee North inside the USA (~1,900 acres), or Welaunee outside the USA inside the City (~2,900 acres)
Subtitle Welaunee
Vacant Land in the USA Redevelopment in the USA Vacant Land in the Urban Fringe Redevelopment in the Urban Fringe Additional Ways to Accommodate Population
Multi-Modal Transportation District Community Code Density Bonus for Urban Design Density Bonus for Affordable Housing Concurrency Waiver for Affordable Housing Tools to Promote More Compact Development in USA
Future Land Use Categories to Discuss Rural Communities Rural Urban Fringe Lake Protection
Future Land Use Map
Rural Community