EPS Vienna 22. – E & O session: Sat, 25.7., 09:00 – 12:30 (incl. break 11:00 – 11:30) Conveners: Dave and Uta Submission deadline: 10.5.
Our aims Create a useful session for participants Present strong arguments why one should engage in outreach (with students, general public, politicians…) Show examples how to engage the public Present resources available Include interactive components Rather topic-based than experiment-based short presentations
Our plan introductory talk on the importance and usefulness of outreach activities (invited speaker) 6-8 contributed talks ~15 min, topic-based talk on “resources available to people for doing education and outreach“ (invited speaker or panel discussion?) min „slam“ session, invite participants to describing their work in 3 minutes or less min „mock-up interview“ session, invite participants to be interviewed by a professional journalist on either their work or on a general particle physics topic extra-curricular activities (Masterclass, art, …)
There are more details on the following slides But we would like to get your opinion, building on experience from ICHEP etc…
Introductory talk on the importance and usefulness of outreach activities in our field (the public pay for us so should be part of what we do; we want them to keep paying (!); the next generation of physicists are in our audience; perhaps most importantly - if you can give a good talk to the public you will surely give good talks to your peers!). For this talk we would like an important and eminent speaker. Names that spring to mind include: Fabiola Gianotti (who we know will attend the EPS conference), Lisa Randall, Raman Sundrum, Frank Close
Bulk of the submitted talks between 6-8 contributed talks of ~15 minute duration. We will try to ensure that these talks are “topic based” and not “experiment based” etc. (e.g. we do not really want “CMS is doing this for outreach…”). We do not know if any abstracts for the outreach session have been submitted yet. We will, from our contacts, try to stimulate some appropriate talks.
Second invited talk - resources Another invited talk on “resources available to people for doing education and outreach” (to include international groups such as IPPOG, EPPCN; multimedia; experiment/laboratory dedicated E&O personnel etc.). We have some ideas for suitable persons for this talk. It may be that this could be a panel discussion?
1 st interactive session – for participants a minute session where participants to the conference can accept the challenge of describing their work in 3 minutes or less, with maximum 2 transparencies. We would offer a prize (to be decided how!) for the “best” talks. This, we believe, would be really useful to the participants, not only for presenting their work to the public but also to present their work to their peers In order to make these interactive sessions as useful as possible we would like to contact participants of the conference in advance and invite them to take part
2 nd interactive session – for participants a minute session where participants are interviewed by a professional journalist on either their work or on a general particle physics topic (Higgs, SUSY, dark matter etc.) for 2 minutes. We have many contacts with the press, so we will explore who will attend the conference. If you already have some knowledge of who will attend from the press then this would be very useful for us In order to make these interactive sessions as useful as possible we would like to contact participants of the conference in advance and invite them to take part