Universities & Colleges Climate Commitment for Scotland Andrew Chamberlain, EAUC Scotland Manager 07595 826 819


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Presentation transcript:

Universities & Colleges Climate Commitment for Scotland Andrew Chamberlain, EAUC Scotland Manager David Somervell, Vice-Convener, EAUC-Scotland, Sustainability Adviser, University of Edinburgh Tel Sustainability Transport EAUC Conference 31 st March 2009

1. Climate Change: happening NOW

Global Energy Consumption

Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Impact on C0 2 concentrations in atmosphere

Global Population 1750 to end of 21 st century

Ecological Footprint / Population 1961

Ecological Footprint / Population 2005

No Polar Bear - due to Climate Change?

Extreme droughts will plague sub-Saharan Africa. Children stand behind one of thousands of livestock that died from thirst in southern Ethiopia. [REUTERS March 2006]

2. Fuel Scarcity / Energy In-Security

Oil - The big turn facing us …

3. STERN: The need to INVEST

Combined Heat and Power

GE Jenbacher 612 Engine CHP Engine: 85% efficiency

4. The emerging imperatives

The INTERNAL drivers 1.Contain long-term Energy Costs 2.Reduce maintenance burden 3.Enhance student and staff experience 4.Promote ourselves as pro-active agents 5.Keep well out of the Courts! 6.The Principals’ Climate Commitment

Electricity Market Yo-Yo £££

The EXTERNAL drivers 1.EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) 2.Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 3.Building Standards (Scotland) updates 4.Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) 5.Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) 6.Carbon Trust Standard (CTS)

Energy Performance Certificates

Time is running out! Get weaving

Carbon Reduction Commitment CRC

CTS – a CRC “Early Action Metric”

The Climate Commitment “We welcome the opportunities: To harness our academic talents and expand Scotland's ability – through our research capacity, knowledge exchange activity and the provision of skills, modules and courses – to create solutions to the challenges posed by climate change” “… we commit our institution to: Allocate time and resources to implementing measures Within a year, publishing a five-year climate action plan with targets and time scales to achieve a significant reduction in emissions …”

Signatories as at March 2009 James Watt College John Wheatley College Langside College Lews Castle College Moray College Motherwell College North Highland College Oatridge College Reid Kerr College S Lanarkshire College Stevenson College Stow College West Lothian College Aberdeen College Anniesland College Adam Smith College Angus College Ayr College Cardonald College Clydebank College Dumfries & Galloway College Dundee College Edinburgh’s Telford College Elmwood College Forth Valley College University of Aberdeen University of Dundee University of Edinburgh Edinburgh College of Art Edinburgh Napier University University of Glasgow Glasgow Caledonian Uni Glasgow School of Art Open University in Scotland Queen Margaret University University of St Andrews Scottish Agricultural College University of Stirling University of Strathclyde UHI Millennium Institute University of W Scotland 25 Colleges and 15 Universities to date

Climate Action Plan Road Map

Getting started … 1. Identify your champion on the Top Team Convener of Environment or Estates Committee Vice-Principal level ideally 2. Establish Timetable to deliver Action Plan Identify all the different people needing mobilised 3. Calculate your Carbon Footprint Assess your building stock for heavy emitters Survey to determine practical opportunities 4. Bid for investment funding to implement

Carbon Trust Standard accreditation To achieve the Carbon Trust Standard your organisation must meet three criteria: 1. Accurately measure its carbon footprint 2. Achieve a reduction in its footprint year on year 3. Demonstrate good carbon management

Tools for the Job 1. Use Carbon Trust Standard spreadsheet Go for accreditation - Likely benefit re CRC 2. Metering, Monitoring and Targeting AMR – another potential CRC benefit 3. Engage Carbon Trust – free consultancy Energy Audits to select suitable projects Raise Energy Awareness / get people on board 4. Tell everyone about progress against plan

The Wider Context 1.To enhance learning and teaching through provision of skills, modules and courses; 2.To promote research capacity & knowledge exchange activity in sustainability; 3.To reduce carbon emissions – cutting energy use & substituting energy sources;

The Wider Context 1.To encourage waste reduction, recycling and responsible disposal; 2.To deliver sustainable estate development – through maintenance & capital programme; 3.To achieve sustainable and active travel through sustainable travel planning; and 4.To engage suppliers / service providers on responsible procurement of goods & services.

Sustainability & Social Responsibility

The one-stop shop promoting sustainability in the FHE sector

Getting started … 1. Identify your champion on the Top Team Convener of Environment or Estates Committee Vice-Principal level ideally 2. Establish Timetable to deliver Action Plan Identify all the different people needing mobilised 3. Calculate your Carbon Footprint Assess your building stock for heavy emitters Survey to determine practical opportunities 4. Bid for investment funding to implement