“You Have to Start Somewhere”
orig means “a beginning” init “to begin” arch “beginning” or “very old” Roots to Learn:
The Suffix –ology means “the study of.” Example: gem + -ology = gemology (the study of gems) meteor + -ology = meteorology (the study of weather) Suffix:
Starting or beginning If the initial measurement is wrong, all the measurements based on it will be wrong. Initial (Root = INIT)
To start something for the first time The strange radio signal was thought to originate deep in space, possibly in a distant galaxy. Originate (Root = ORIG)
The study of past cultures Colette loves archaeology because even the broken piece of a clay pot can tell the story of a lost civilization. Archaeology (Root = ARCH)
Ancient The city replaced the archaic wooden bridge with a modern bridge made of steel. Archaic (Root = ARCH)
The first people in an area People once called Aborigines are also called Native Australians. Aborigines (Root = ORIG)
The very first of something The original United States flag had only thirteen stars – one for each of the thirteen colonies. Original (Root = ORIG)
A collection of records The original copy of the Declaration of Independence is kept in an archive in Washington, D.C. Archive (Root = ARCH)
To begin The rebels initiated a war when they attacked the tiny settlement. Initiate (Root = INIT)
Where something comes from The origin of the name “Melissa” is a Greek word meaning “honeybee.” Origin (Root = ORIG)
The act of taking the first step without being told There are two types of people: those who stand around doing nothing, and those who take the initiative to fix things that are broken. Initiative (Root = INIT)