NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION REVIEW AND PLANNING MEETING AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME REPORT FOR 2012 Name of ADP: Cross River ADP Postal Address: PMB 1178 Calabar address: Telephone: A.2012 EXTENSION SUPPORT INDICATORS S/NActivityTargetAchievement% of achievement Remark/ Constraints 1.No. of MTRMS Conduct12325Inadequate funding. 2.No. of FNTs241146Not funded 3.OFAR Trials (Titles)5360Funds 4.No. of farmers organizations formed Activity on-going 5.No. of EAs Embargo on employment 6.No. of visits to farmers by EAs Activity on-going 7.Zonal REFILS workshops attended 1NIL Due 5th December, No. of visits by BEAs2,8803,530123Activity on-going 9.No. of farm families481,506Based on 2008 VLS 10.EA:Farm family ratio1:10001:472125Embargo on employment
S/NActivityTargetAcht% of achtRemark/ Constraints 11.No. of supervisory visits by SMSs Activity on-going 12.No. of SPATs (Established) Activity on-going 13.No. of MTPs (Established) Lack of input support 14.No. of Field/Open Days conducted3626Funding constraint 15.No. of Agric shows conducted/attended 2150Funding constraint 16No. of Radio Programmes (Titles)52NIL Funding constraint 17.No. of Television Programmes (Titles) aired 4NIL Funding constraint 18.No. of Pre-season Training No. of Post harvest Training/other trainings 2150Activity on-going 20.No. of groups linked to banks/credit institutes Activity on-going 21.No. of groups that obtained credit/credit institutes 112No data Awaiting release of data
TitleOrganizers Categories of trainees Date No. Of trainees Collaborators Basic infrastructure maintenance for access roads NPFS, CRADP NPFS apex exco, Site managers, Com. Leaders, Site extension agents and farmers 2 nd – 3 rd august, CRS – RAM, Due process office, service providers. Strengthening agro processing in Cross River State. CRADP/MPFS MPFS framers, entrepreneurs and extension agent 23 rd October, NRCRI UNICAL, CRUTECH. Cassava processing/ value addition to cassava product. CRADP/MPFS MPFS Site Extension Agent and Site Managers. 25 th – 27 th September, NRCRI Umudike Group dynamicCRADPExtension StaffMay, Ministry of trade and cooperative. Communication skills in Agric. Extension delivery. MPFS/CRADPExtension StaffJuly, NRCRI Umudike TRAINING PROGRAMMES
Agric. Extension technology transfer technique. NPFS/ CRADPExtension StaffJuly,201250NRCRI Umudike Community Based Participatory Agricultural Extension delivery strategy. NPFS/ CRADPExtension StaffJuly, NFRA/ NRCRI/GIZ Cont TRAINING PROGRAMMES Cont
No. OF FARMERS TRAINED ON CROP PRODUCTION. About zoo co-operatives (about zoo farm families) TRAINING ON: Integrated seed technology Seed enterprise development Seed certification and quality control Indigenous leafy vegetable seed production Integrated pest management Site demonstration Participatory Technology Development Seed production processing and storage Sustainable land use for soil fertility improvement. Methods of fertilizer analysis No. of training attended by ADP Staff on crops – 10 Constraints: Inadequate funding.
TitleYearSourceLevel of adoptionComments CROPS: 1.Seed Yam Production By Mini sett Technology. 2.Seed Yam Production By Mini Tuber. 3.Rapid Multiplication of Cassava Stem. 4.Adoption of High Yielding Disease Tolerant Improved Cassava Varieties. 5.Seed Multiplication on Rice, Maize and Groundnut NRCRI / NARICRI High - Survey yet to be conducted for accurate data collation and validation. Technology transfer using appropriate tools on - going. LIVESTOCK: 1.Sheep and Goat Upgrading. 2.Pig Fattening. 3.Poultry Management NRCRI / NARICRI High - Survey yet to be conducted for accurate data collation and validation. Technology transfer using appropriate tools on - going. FISHERIES: 1.Construction and Management of Earthen Fish Pond. 2.Construction and Management of Concrete Fish Pond. 3.Fish Feed Formulation. 2012NRCRI / NARICRI High - Survey yet to be conducted for accurate data collation and validation. Technology transfer using appropriate tools on - going. TECHNOLOGIES BEING PROMOTED:
FISHERIES: 1.Construction and Management of Earthen Fish Pond. 2.Construction and Management of Concrete Fish Pond. 3.Fish Feed Formulation NRCRI / NARICRI High - Survey yet to be conducted for accurate data collation and validation. Technology transfer using appropriate tools on - going. AGRO – FORESTRY: 1.Bee Keeping Technologies. 2.Snail Farming. 3.Domestication of Gnetum Africana (afang). 4.Tree Crop Nursery Establishment NRCRI / NARICRI High - Survey yet to be conducted for accurate data collation and validation. Technology transfer using appropriate tools on - going. NUTRITION AND HEALTH: 1.VALUE Addition to Cassava. 2.Production of High Quality Cassava Flour. 3.Establishment and Management of Home Garden. 4.Establishment of School Garden. 2012NRCRI / NARICRI High - Survey yet to be conducted for accurate data collation and validation. Technology transfer using appropriate tools on - going. TECHNOLOGIES BEING PROMOTED: Cont
ComponentsReport FADAMA III component IVAll schedule activities on – going. Desk officers not on seat to release data. NPFSActivities on – going with details as contained in the report. CRARDPAll schedule activities on – going. Desk officers not on seat to release data. Commercial Agric All schedule activities on – going with synergy on capacity building and technology transfer using appropriate tools worked out with CRADP Fertilizer Voucher mt of fertilizers out of a target of 8000mt received and distributed to farmers to date. Constraint – Inadequate supply and late delivery on this critical production input lead to decline in productivity in the crops sub - sector. Input situationAll critical production input available in open market through Agro dealers Fertilizer Supply of the wrong type of fertilizers at the wrong time and at very high cost lead to low adoption of associated technologies and hence low yield and high production cost with attendance consequence on high cost of products. Agro chemicalAvailable in open markets through Agro dealers. MTRM Situation ReportThree out of proposed 12 MTRMs were conducted in 2012, courtesy of NPFS. Technologies discussed and passed for dissemination are; 1.Improved cultural practices in low land rice production. 2.Late maize production technologies. 3.Control of field pest and diseases of low land rice and late maize. 4.Water quality management in home stead fish ponds. 5.Fish feed formulation using locally available materials. 6.Preparation of high cassava flour, cassava pizza, pineapple jam, cassava croquette. GENERAL: BRIEF REPORT ON:
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