Africa RISING Research Framework
Research output 1: Situation Analysis and Programme-wide Synthesis. Includes the activities that are necessary to ensure that project activities are able to characterise and stratify target communities effectively so that promising interventions are identified and inappropriate interventions rejected.
Research output 2: Integrated Systems Improvement. This output is delivered via a broad approach of participatory technology development and / or identification. This requires projects to allow for the identification of existing sound practices within communities that might be more widely propagated, the adaptation of these and other, exogenous innovations and the more effective combination of innovations from multiple sources.
Research output 3: Scaling and Delivery of Integrated Innovation. The first two outputs will generate integrated technology combinations that are more effectively targeted on farmer’s real development needs. This third output recognises that, even where such technology combinations can be identified, the approaches used for scaling them out may not always be effective and seeks to redress this shortcoming.
Research output 4: Integrated M and E Process. The programme will aim to wrap the three process- oriented outputs in a firm M and E framework.
Research output 1: Situation Analysis and Programme-wide Synthesis 1.1. Mega-site stratification by ‘development domains’ within and across countries 1.2. Prioritize mega-site strata geographical units and compare/contrast with researcher selected research locations 1.3. Farm household typologies 1.4. Problem identification and pathways for addressing these constraints within domain/typology 1.5. Inventorize innovations 1.6. Ex-ante potential of options 1.7. Priority setting and planning for integrated systems improvement 1.8. Program-wide synthesis and co-learning
Research output 2: Integrated Systems Improvement Identification of research teams within R4D platforms: Within the R4D platforms and constituted around critical entry points, research teams will be identified to lead innovation activities Identification modeling and decision support tools for the ex-ante technology identification, trade-off analysis, evaluation of the ex-ante sustainability and resilience of options, and guiding future research: Several decisions, related to the identification of critical entry points, anticipating their potential benefits, and evaluating trade-offs will require farm-level modeling tools. Specific long-term monitoring sites will be established to gather the necessary information on the dynamics of these indicators as related to the options evaluated Decision support tools are expected to be a combination of formal modeling tools, compendia of validated best practices, ‘rules-of-thumb’, amongst other Participatory evaluation and adaptation of appropriate combinations of technologies and interventions 2.4. Addressing new research challenges and opportunities emerging from the activities
Research output 3: Scaling and Delivery of Integrated Innovation Assess scalability of integrated innovations (meta-analysis of options) 3.2. Identify and develop scaling approaches for targeted integrated innovations 3.3. Pilot test scaling approaches from action sites within project area 3.4. Develop costed templates for scaling by development investors 3.5. Evaluate aggregated impact of household level interventions at landscape scale and beyond 3.6. Evaluate/validate scaling approaches for integrated systems
Humidtropics CRP1.2 Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics
Tier 2: Four sites: Tier 1: Four sites: Tier 3: Two sites: Action Areas
Logistical, partnership criteria Biophysical, institutional, socio-economic criteria Biophysical, institutional, socio-economic criteria Logistical, partnership criteria - Institutions (variable) - Livestock (variable) - Services (variable) - Policy (variable) - Etc - Existing inter-centre cooperation (variable) - Existing partnerships (variable) - Etc Action Site Action Area Continent CRP 1.2 Mandate - LGP-humid sub-humid (defined) - High population density (defined) - Poverty x NR integrity status (SLO-2/4) (variable) - Administrative & research presence (defined) - On-going investments (defined) Outputs and Outcomes from Strategic Research Themes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Scaling up Strategic Research Theme 3 Zooming in Strategic Research Theme 1 Geographical logic
SRT 1 Systems analysis and synthesis SRT 2 Integrated systems improvement SRT 3 Scaling and institutional innovation International public goods Development trajectories M&E framework R4D innovation SRT 2.3 Natural resource management SRT 2.2 Systems productivity new farm opportunities Adaptive management M&E process Action area level R4D scaling Enabling environment (markets, policies, institutions and infrastructure) Gender opportunities Scalability options & pathways opportunities mainstreamed Situation analyses Critical entry pointsR4D platforms Global syntheses SRT 2.1 Markets and other institutions Action site level Multi level Humidtropics Program Structure is built around 3 Strategic Research Themes (SRTs)
The Humidtropics will operate through R4D platforms in Action Sites
Humidtropics integrates the research outcomes of other CRPs