Virtual ACTR Network CMPS 598 co.
Mission To provide online information center about ACTR and social network tangible to its stakeholders. People Rooms Students Faculty Parents Applicants Alumni Classes Projects Organizations Resident Departments Resident Departments Relevant Businesses Relevant Businesses Meeting Rooms Offices Classrooms Labs Research Classes Lecture Classes Events
Vision Students: Virtual living space Get answers to questions on coursework, exchange notes, latest in technology, research, job opportunities and internships. Meet friends, professors, and mentors. Faculty and Staff: Medium Share, publish information about their research projects and interests, classes that they teach. Connect with students and other potential collaborators.
Businesses: Market Space – Advertising – Recruiting future employees, – Market study Administration: Communication Channel – An effective information source/communication channel Guests: Tour – A live and “tangible” info-source about ACTR Alumni: Carbon foot print – “In those old good times …”
Demo - Mockups
Virtual ACTR Network Information Center about ACTR Classes Classrooms Offices Students Faculty members Research Projects … Online Networking Online Market Space
Competition Social networking websites – Lack of awareness of the facility – Authenticity – Tangibility Q & A websites – Lack of credibility Virtual ACTR Network Data and Information: Focused, Immersive, Network and Market: Tangible, Natural Virtual ACTR Network Data and Information: Focused, Immersive, Network and Market: Tangible, Natural
Market Users over 200 Graduate students Undergraduate CMPS Students 30+ Faculty and Staff members Applicants, Parents, Alumni… Businesses On campus: 7 Off campus: Many
Revenue Model Online Advertising Naturally access to targeted group Customized Advertising Marketing Analysis Flyers Data Analysis
The Team
Outlook New Online Market Space Tangible Global Social Network