Main points Where it started What is it Computer animation Java applets Flash Animation process Optical illusion in motion Claymation Stop motion DHTML XHTML Different uses of animation now
Where it started Animation went way back to when the stone age people used to draw on the cave walls. Also the Egyptians done the same. People still draw animations like in flick books which show the animation when you flick through the pages fast.
What is it Animation is a graphic representation of drawings to show movement inside the drawings. A sequence of drawings are connected together and usually photographed by a camera. The drawings have been a little changed between each of the frames so when they are played back in a rapid sequence there seems to be unbroken movement within the drawings.
Computer animation It started between the 1960’s and 1970’s
Java applets A short program written in Java that is attached to a Web page and performed by the browser machine. Often used for complex web applications.
Flash Its used now today to make different types of animation. Its like a flick book because each page in a flick book is used like each key point in flash. It is easier though because of onion skinning which shows the last key point when you move on to the next one.
Animation process The animators start of with a story board with pictures and writing then they begin to create it and when its done it is ready to play.
Hand draw animation Its where you get transparent paper and draw a different slide for each page.
Optical illusion in motion The toy named the zoetrope was created in China around 180AD. It looks like the images are moving because of an occurrence called persistence of vision. The Thaumatrope which is a simple mechanical toy the created the illusion of movement was made in 1828.
Claymation Sculptures are made of clay then are moved between each picture that is taken then played back in rapid succession.
Stop motion Stop motion is where photographs of a live surrounding are taken at regular pauses and combined into a continuous film.
DHTML DHTML is a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites
XHTML extensible hypertext mark up language is a family of XML mark up languages that mirror or extend versions of the widely used HTML.
Different uses of animation now Adverts on web pages Arcade games Playstation/ Xbox Games TV Shows Movies Advertisement Websites