Objectives & Guidelines Zakat Objectives & Guidelines
In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Contents Introduction Concept and Objectives Importance Guidelines for Calculations &Payments Rewards and Punishments Key Features/Summary Open Discussion
Meaning of Zakat To Clean , To make it Pure To Remove impediments and help in growth and development.
Concepts & Objectives To share a small part of Allah’s material blessings with people Who are materially less blessed Help society at micro and macro level to provide basic needs to all members with dignity and love Ensure circulation of wealth Reduce love for Wealth To establish the Writ of Allah S WT
Salat & Zakat Mostly referred In Quran together – 30 times Both are the Fundamental form of Worship After Salah, Zakat is the greatest pillar of Islam Practical demonstration of “Eaiman” Salat Connect Human being with Allah Zakat Connect Human being with Others
One of Key Pillars So establish regular Prayer give regular Zakat and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector the Best to protect and the Best to help! Al-Hajj /78
Zakat key element of Faith And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion being True (in faith); to establish regular Prayer; and to practice regular Zakat; and that is the Religion Right and Straight. Al-Baiyina /05
One of the most Important Element The Believers must (eventually) win through Those who humble themselves in their prayers; Who avoid vain talk; Who are active in deeds of Zakat; Al-Muminun-1-4
Criteria for being Muslim But (even so) if they repent establish regular prayers and practice regular Zakat they are your brethren in faith: (thus) do We explain signs in detail for those who understand. Al-Tauba-9/11
Who should pay zakat Any one who has in his possession more than equivalent of the value of 85 gm gold or 634gm of silver ,over and above his living expenses On agricultural produce zakat is payable if the value of crop is more than 3265kg of wheat, rice or corn (popular grain) All adults individually responsible
Applicability of Zakat On the Personal Wealth Bank balance Property, ie, plots Shares /fixed deposits Provident fund/ Life insurance House, Buildings/Cars for rent Gold / silver In case of business: -On value of merchandise working capital -on income / profit
Effective Rate P.A “On wealth and Income 2.5% “ On Agricultural produce Irrigated 5.0% Non irrigated” 10.0% “ On Natural resources” 20.0%
What is Exempted House in which one lives or maintained for personal purposes. (on House given on rent its on rent income) Personal goods of use, cars,furniture Jewelry of daily use (not for investment purpose) Operating assets like machinery,building etc
Who Qualify for Zakat Alms are only (exclusively) for the poor and the needy and those employed to administer, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled and to free the captives and those in debt and in the way of Allah and the wayfarer a duty imposed by Allah and Allah is Knowing, Wise” Surah Thouwba:60
Recipient of Zakat The poor (Faqir/Fuqara) The needy (Miskeen/Maskeen) The administrators of zakah (Amil) Influencing heart(Muallaf) Freeing from slavery (Riqab) Debtors(Gharimin) In way of Allah (Fisabillillah) Wayfarer (Ibnus Sabil)
Fuqara & Maskeen Fuqara is penny less and Maskeen is needy one The poor (Faqir/Fuqara) Those without any means of livelihood and material possessions. The needy (Miskeen) Those without sufficient means of livelihood to meet their basic necessities. For instance, those who, although may have a job, a house and a car, but whose income is below the minimum requirement. Richness means owning what is enough for ones need; A person in need qualifies as poor & needy
Administrators Aameleen; Those appointed to manage and administer zakah. This category is sub-divided into the following categories: Group of people who go out to the society and determine those who fall Fuqara and Miskeen categories. Those who collect the Zakah money. The accountant of the Zakah money. The administrator, manager, clerical worker or secretary who puts the files in order. Those who handle Zakah distributions. The auditor who audits overall Zakah management and administration.
Influencing Hearts Maallafatatil Quloob; Influence hearts towards Islam thru charity, kindness Those who are inclined to enter or have already converted to Islam.
Freeing from Bondage Riqab; neck, signifies someone who is freed from slavery Slaves and prisoners of war
Debtors Gharimeen; Debt, bankruptcy Condition that debtor himself should not possess sufficient funds or goods to clear the debt Debt incurred for genuine purpose incl. unexpected penalty, loss of employment and not due to gambling, drinking, intoxicants or lavish expense in marriage
In Way of Allah Fe sabeelillah; Zakah can be used to finance any form of struggle or work for the love of Allah. e.g. Da'wah; building & developing society's infrastructure; defending Muslims, who are being oppressed; assisting poor travellers sponsoring a student's educational expenses.
Traveller Ibnis Sabeel; Can be paid from Zakat, even though he may be rich at home, if during the journey he becomes penniless and unable to meet his expenses to return
Where zakat can’t be used For persons with sufficient / adequate means of living For ones dependents like “parents, children. Trust for investments. Buying luxury goods. On wasteful Activities.
Why Pay Zakat
Zakat Increases Wealth The interest that you give in order to increase the wealth of the people, does not increase in the sight of Allah: and the Zakat that you pay in order to win Allah’s approval, its payer do indeed increases their wealth. Ar-Rum-39
People who pay Zakat are Successful Those who establish regular Prayer and give regular Zakat and have (in their hearts) the assurance of the Hereafter. Such have guidance from their Lord. Such are the successful. Luqman/04
Punishment for not Paying Zakat “& those who hoard up gold & silver & do not spend in the way of Allah, proclaim a grievous punishment, on the day when it (horded wealth) shall be heated in the fire of Hell, then their foreheads & their sides & their backs shall be branded with it, this is what you hoarded up for yourself, now taste what you horded” Surah Tuba
Hadith on Punishment for not Paying Zakat Narated by Abu Huraira “Whoever is made wealthy by Allah and does not pay the Zakat of his wealth then on the Day of Resurrection his wealth will be made like a bald-headed poisonous male snake with two black spots over the eyes. The snake will encircle his neck and bite his cheeks and say, “ I am your wealth, I am your treasure,” Al Bokhari 486, Chapter Zakat
Open Discussion