Radiation Dose Update REM Kevin O’Donnell Joel Chabriais Kevin O’Donnell Joel Chabriais
REM at US Connect-a-thon
REM at European Connect-a-thon Several vendors, not sure to have all actors
Radiation Dose Management Promotion in U.S. Presentation to 4 sub-committees at AAPM Houston, July 26-27, 2008 Representatives from MITA, Toshiba, Siemens Discussion at “Image Gently” Conference Cincinnati, Aug 20, 2008 Presentation to FDA Staff Washington, D.C., Aug. 29, 2008 CME Presentation at RSNA Chicago, Dec 1, 2008 Likely educational session at AAPM 2009 Promotion in U.S. Presentation to 4 sub-committees at AAPM Houston, July 26-27, 2008 Representatives from MITA, Toshiba, Siemens Discussion at “Image Gently” Conference Cincinnati, Aug 20, 2008 Presentation to FDA Staff Washington, D.C., Aug. 29, 2008 CME Presentation at RSNA Chicago, Dec 1, 2008 Likely educational session at AAPM 2009
Radiation Dose Management Promotion in France Specific booth at JFR’2008 (October 24-28) 10 posters Meeting organized during JFR with SFR and RIS vendors: Some decided to implement REM and register for Connect-a-thon SFR propose a demo at JFR’2009 IRSN and French Ministry of Health discuss on regulation to make REM mandatory for each HIS installed Promotion in France Specific booth at JFR’2008 (October 24-28) 10 posters Meeting organized during JFR with SFR and RIS vendors: Some decided to implement REM and register for Connect-a-thon SFR propose a demo at JFR’2009 IRSN and French Ministry of Health discuss on regulation to make REM mandatory for each HIS installed
Radiation Dose Management Promotion in Europe European Commission – Radiation Clinical Audit Workshop, Tampere: IHE REM Abstract & Poster, Sept 8-10, 2008 Discussion for a meeting at European level with: ESR representatives (and other professional societies) IHE-Europe Vendors (Modalities, PACS, RIS ans HIS) Possibly a demo at ECR’2010 Promotion in Europe European Commission – Radiation Clinical Audit Workshop, Tampere: IHE REM Abstract & Poster, Sept 8-10, 2008 Discussion for a meeting at European level with: ESR representatives (and other professional societies) IHE-Europe Vendors (Modalities, PACS, RIS ans HIS) Possibly a demo at ECR’2010