Modals verbs By Mayada Alharbi MUST(HAVE TO),DARE AND NEED,HADBETTER, SHOULD ,and ought to ,MAY,MIGHT. By Mayada Alharbi
Must and have to: Must is similar to have to: lt's later than I thought. I must go. or I have to go. You can use must or have to to give your own opinion ( when something is necessary or unnecessary, or to give advice: Children must do their homework. ( obligation ) You have to drink water every morning.( advice )
:Must(have to) Must is used in written rules and instructions: Applications for the job must be received by 18 May. We used must in prohibition: They mustn't disrupt the work more than necessary. We used must if we have strong belief: She must be over 90 years old.
:MUST(HAVE TO) You cannot use must to talk about the past : We didn't have much time. We had to hurry. (not we must hurry) Murphy,R. (2012). Aself-study reference and practice book intermediate learners of English. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 29-30.
DARE AND NEED: Dare means "have the courage to do something" , and challenge can be used with not and a simple verb : How dare you touch my bag?(courage). You dare not contradict me(challenge).
DARE AND NEED: Need can be used with not and a simple verb or in question: He need not leave early(negative). Need he pay the money right away?(question). Murphy,R. (2012). Aself-study reference and practice book intermediate learners of English. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.32.
Had better, should, and ought to: Had better is similar to should, and ought to but not exactly the same. Had better, If we don't do it, there will be a problem, but You can use should or ought to in all types of situations to give an opinion or give advice:-
Had better, should, and ought to: It is a great film. You (should or ought to) go and see it. (but no problem if you don't) The film starts at 8.30. You'd better go now or you'll be late. Murphy,R. (2012). Aself-study reference and practice book intermediate learners of English. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 33-35.
Form: form: subject+modalverb+base verb Question: use should! Should we go shopping ? Answer: Yes, we should. No, we should not.
May: MAY to ask for permission: May I have another cup of coffee? May I have another cup of coffee? We also use may to say something is future possibility: China may become a major economic power.
MIGHT: Might to talk in present possibility: Might to talk in present possibility: They might be eating their dinner now. Also we can use might to talk future possibility: They might give us a 10% discount.
REFERENCES: Murphy,R. (2012). Aself-study reference and practice book intermediate learners of English. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 29-35.
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