WIA PERFORMANCE AND DATA VALIDATION Ohio’s Experience with Performance and Data Validation
OHIO’S INITIAL STRUGGLES Ohio initially struggled making WIA Performance Measures Initially, data reported was not consistent or reliable
Change in Ohio’s Performance PY 2002PY 2003PY 2004 EXCEEDED 7EXCEEDED 9EXCEEDED 15 MET 7MET 8MET 2 ( Customer Satisfaction Measures ) FAILED 3FAILED 0
CREATED NEW MIS SYSTEM Created new Management Information System – SCOTI (Sharing Career Opportunities and Training Information) Reflects WIASRD and Labor Exchange federal reporting requirements in layout and reporting Use Data Validation Software to produce federal Quarterly and Annual Reports
PERFORMANCE REMINDERS Created Performance Reminders that go to Case Managers if they have not entered Performance information into Ohio MIS (SCOTI) system If information continues to be left blank the performance reminders go to the supervisor Performance Reminder reports available for administrators
TRAINING ABOUT PERFORMANCE Worked with SPRA to provide WIA Performance training to Administrators State staff provided Regional and Local training on WIA Performance to Administrators, Supervisors, Staff and Providers
PROVIDED DATA ON PERFORMANCE TO LOCAL AREAS Provide Participant level data created for federal USDOL reports to local area staff Provide state designed Performance Measure Reports via Ohio SCOTI reporting system Provide training on use of Data Validation Software to Local Areas Provided additional software to convert Outcome Groups to Numerators/Denominators Provided Local Area WIASRD files
EVALUATED NUMERATOR/DENOMINATOR DATA TO LOOK FOR ERRORS Contacted Local Areas to fix incorrect data gleaned from data validation software Was able to adjust SCOTI system to properly report performance information Changed system to update Youth Retention reporting data to reflect employment information from UI Wage data Became aware this data was not being included after evaluating data validation denominators.
Contacts and Questions Robert J. Haas – WIA Performance Ohio Department of Job & Family Services 145 South Front Street - 4 th Floor Columbus, OH Jackie Rhoads – Data Validation Ohio Department of Job & Family Services 4300 Kimberly Parkway Columbus, OH