By: Hannah Griffin, Melissa Hunt, Liz Milewski, and Alyssa Walton Veg for a Day By: Hannah Griffin, Melissa Hunt, Liz Milewski, and Alyssa Walton
Did you know that not eating meat for one day a week for one year can reduce your CO2 emissions by 340LBS per year? Because… Reduces deforestation and degradation Significantly reduces greenhouse gasses Reduces animal waste Preserves all around resources (need for crops, transportation, water, etc…) Expands your food pallet
Meat consumption leads to mass deforestation Most of the land used for farming was once forest land 30% of agricultural land goes to farming
Producing meat uses mass amounts of water and contaminates our water. It takes 2,400 gallons of water to produce one pound of meat Animal production wastes water, but also harms the water ways we drink from due to the animal urine and feces
Being vegetarian for one day a week will reduce greenhouse gas emission's Raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world Cows produce methane and when they burp the methane is released into the air
Become a Vegetarian for one day a Week Try other foods to broaden your food pallet: spinach, nuts, rice, beans, pasta, eggs. Not eating meat one day a makes a big impact on the environment
Resources Cutting back on at least one hamburger a week is equivalent to taking your car off the road for 320 miles Cows take up room and cause deforestation– 7,700 square feet of rainforest can be saved from cutting back on meat consumption.
“But I’m only one person?” Your actions will influence the people around you! People change their behaviors to match others.
Becoming vegetarian for a day a week will help the environment more than you know… Methane has a half life of 12 years Nitrous oxide has a half life of 114 years
Why are the water sources easily contaminated? Lagoons get full with waste and over flow into water ways Can get severely harmful to ecosystems
What kind of world do you want to live in? One person can do so much… Not eating meat once a week is one of the best ways to cut methane. It's an easier way to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Or, one can sit back and watch as... Methane keeps building. More meat being in demand, means more manure.
Being meat free for one day a week will Reduce you’re foot print which helps the environment in many ways. Allows exploration into different types of foods. One less hamburger makes a big change. Big issue to solve, so we all need to start where we can to help solve it.
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