Breeds of Beef Cattle Developed by: Richard Coffey, Extension Swine Specialist, University of Kentucky Kevin Laurent, Extension Associate, University of Kentucky Warren Beeler, Kentucky Department of Agriculture Edited for Georgia by Frank B. Flanders Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office March 2002 1
Angus Bull
Brangus Bull
Charolais Bull
Chianina Bull
Hereford Bull
Polled Hereford Bull
Red Angus Bull, Cow, & Calf
Limousin Bull
Santa Gertrudis Bull
Maine Anjou Bull
Red Poll Bull
Shorthorn Bull
Simmental Bull
Santa Gertrudis Heifer
Chianina Heifer
Red Poll Cow
Simmental Cow & Calf
Limousin Cow & Calf
Angus Cow
Red Angus Cow & Calf
Charolais Cow & Calf
Polled Hereford Heifer
Brangus Cow
Maine Anjou Cow
Shorthorn Bull
Hereford Cow
Limousin Bull
Red Poll Heifer
Simmental Bull
Charolais Bull
Maine Anjou Bull
Hereford Bull
Shorthorn Bull
Brangus Bull
Polled Hereford Bull
Red Angus Bull
Chianina Bull
Santa Gertrudis Bull
Angus Bull