Trash In Our Oceans By Grant Noble Every day, Thousands of sea animals die from pollution or trash. That's over 365,ooo sea animals each year A man paddles through miles of trash of the coast of Mexico. Trash in our oceans, shrinking or growing What are some solutions? How sea animals are effected Why is this happening? How to Learn More And Reply to this Article...
What are some solutions? Trash in our oceans, shrinking or growing? How sea animals are affected. Why is this happening? Why is this Happening? How to Learn More And Reply to this Article... Our population is growing, but that doesn't mean the amount of trash we throw out isn't shrinking. Since our population increases by the thousands a day more trash keep's on getting thrown out repeatitively. Our landfills are growing foot by foot each week due to our growing population. And when we fill up another landfill we will have to build a new one, exept, where? There is absolutely no room in our major cities, but we have to find a place to put our landfills. We could put it in our empty forests but imagine what would happen. Innocent animals will die from pollution. Bushes,trees, and flowers will die away. And animals who understand the situation will flee. Exept, where will the fleeing animals go? They can either stay in the polluted forest, or, go to the polluted city. In an animals eyes everything is polluted exept their habitats which scientist's said will disappear in the year 2070 at the rate of trash we are throwing out now. So, lets see if you can save the lives of thousand's of animal's
How sea animals are affected Why is this happening? How sea animals are affected. What are some solutions? Trash in our oceans, shrinking or growing? How to Learn More And Reply to this Article... Plastics are an ever increasing threat killing marine life at an alarming rate. Some of our most beautiful and elegant sea animals are getting completely wiped out or close to it. For example our beautiful majestic sea turtle's are dying by the hundred's monthly because of trash. One of their main diet's is jellyfish and when plastic bag's go into our ocean there is a 30% chance it will kill a sea animal. When plastic bag's get thrown into our ocean they look like jellyfish when they're floating which, unfortunately is a sea turtle's main diet. So, when a sea turtle is looking for food and it happens to see a plastic bag the turtle will eat it because it remind's them of a jellyfish because its shape and movement in the water. And if a turtle happen's to eat a plastic bag it will either clog it's digestive system causing it to starve to death or it will get stuck in it's throat and cause it to choke. And the same thing happens to our beautiful dolphins. Also we've killed over 22,000 bird's from a species that were very popular in Florida but are now considered rare and scarcely seen down in Florida. So, let's see if you can bring back the bird species and see if you can save the lives of millions of sea animals.
How to Learn More And Reply to this Article... What are some solutions? Trash in our oceans, shrinking or growing? How sea animals are affected Why is this happening? Trash in our oceans, shrinking or growing? Hi. I'd like to bring something up with you that is more important than anything that has been on Fox 5 news or CNN. This problem is called, the North Pacific Gyre. Ever heard of it? It is a big blob of floating trash in the Pacific Ocean that is twice the size of Texas and bigger than Egypt. But how is this happening? It it happening because careless people throw out trash right into our oceans or on our shore lines which then the trash is carried by wind current's out to sea. And this process will keep on happening unless we do something about it. There is already 1.5 billion pieces of trash in the North Pacific Gyre. Scientists have estimated that over halr of the Pacific Ocean will be trash by the year 2047 if we keep on throwing trash into our oceans at the rate we do. How would you like swimming in a sea of wrappers? Not much. So let's see if you can do something about the North Pacific Gyre and the rest of the trash in our ocean's. POWER WORDS! Inform: to give knowledge of fact or circumstance Inspire: to fill with a specific feeling Involve: to engage or affect into action
How to Learn More And Reply to this Article... What are some solutions? Trash in our oceans, shrinking or growing How sea animals are affected Why is this happening What are some solutions? Have you ever been to a supermarket and hear the cashier say “ paper or plastic”? Your answer, should be neither. At most markets they sell 100% recycled bags that you can use again and again and again.Hey! You never know, you could be saving the life of 1 animal or more every time you go to the market. You could also volunteer to help clean-up your towns/cities ponds,lakes,oceans, rivers, and other sources of water. It might seem like your doing nothing but to nature it means a lot. So, even though it might be a small favor it might be making a big difference THINK: How can we get people to stop throwing trash into our oceans ?
How to Learn More And Reply to this Article... What are some solutions? Trash in our oceans, shrinking or growing. How sea animals are affected Why is this happening? How to Learn More and Reply to this Article... To learn more about the perils of Trash in our oceans, go to the websites below: :National To respond to this Feature Article, go to the Watson’s Winners Blog, below:Watson’s Winners Blog : th-matters/
Not So Fun facts!!! We waste 3.5 Billion plastic bags each day. We use 750 Billion plastic bags each year and 1/8 of these plasic bags find their way into our oceans. UK banned plastic bags which is equivalent to taking 18,000 cars off the road each year. There is over 25 plastic items in your fridge. It takes 75 million barrels of oil to make 100,000,000 water bottles.