WV Writes: A Roadmap to Writing Success Stacey Murrell RLA Acuity and WV Writes Coordinator West Virginia Technology Conference Morgantown, WV August 3, 2011
Benefits – Increases rigor and expectations – Uses WV writing rubrics – Simulates WESTEST 2 Online Writing experience – Allows data-driven curriculum design – Student using Writing Roadmap five or more times scored 3 points higher on WESTEST 2 RLA than those who had not logged into the program at all.
WV Students wrote- 491,916 essays in WV Writes in school year!!
Using WV Writes Data to Facilitate Writing
Sample County WV Writes Proficiency Summary 23,349 Essays Submitted
Five analytic traits proficiency range for Elementary, Middle, and High School WESTEST 2 Practice Prompts-Sample County
Five analytic traits proficiency range based on WV WESTEST 2 9 th -12 th grade prompts-sample county
Controversy- Artificial intelligence scoring
Comparing Rates of Agreement Exact Agreement – occurs when the human score is exactly the same as the corresponding engine score (e.g., human rating for Mechanics is 3 and Engine rating is 3). Exact + Adjacent Agreement – occurs when the human score is exactly the same as the corresponding engine score or is equal to the engine score +/- one point. Similar to a margin of error estimate (e.g., human rating for Mechanics is 4 and Engine rating is 3, 4 or 5). (Online Writing Scoring Comparability Study – 2010, WVDE)
Exact Agreement (Online Writing Scoring Comparability Study – 2010, WVDE)
Exact + Adjacent Agreement (Online Writing Scoring Comparability Study – 2010, WVDE)
Stop Read Score using rubric
Cool Tricks Quickly open and print WV writing rubric. See a list of every essay a student wrote regardless of who assigned it. Back door to viewing and scoring essays that you have assigned. Edit a prompt that you created. Quickly add a student to a writing prompt assignment that has been transferred into your class. Quickly view completed essays to change scores or make comments to students.
WV Writes Navigating the site-Hands on – Assign an Essay to Selected Students – View/Edit Existing Assignments – Create Your Own Essay Prompt/Assessment – Score Items – View/Print Group Reports
Incorporating WV Writes Teaching strategies from WV teachers – Quick checks for content – Writing process checklist – Revision for extra points Writing portfolio-paper and/or online blog, wiki, etc.
The Future 2 nd grade students rostered in WV Writes, 2 nd grade teachers may need to be created – 2 nd grade teachers can create prompts – Plans to add 2 nd grade prompts at state level written by 2 nd grade teachers this fall – 2 nd grade students scored using 3 rd grade rubric Automatic rostering when students transfer schools and/or counties – teachers can no longer create students – School rosters will update 1 st and 3 rd Friday Anticipated site opening on August 15, 2011
Contact Stacey Murrell, Coordinator RLA Acuity and WV Writes