Iowa State University Grain Quality Lab Quality Control Maureen Suryaatmadja Graduate Research Assistant Agricultural Engineering Iowa State University February 14, 2005
Quality Control Items Daily NIR check sample Instrument Duplicates Equipment Check and Periodic Check of other instruments
Daily NIR Check Sample
Objectives to maintain the performance of the instruments to make sure that the instruments are stable to collect data as a part of NIRS research
Materials Grain corn ( ) Grain soybeans ( ) Thermometer Infratec 1225, 0065 Infratec 1229, Infratec 1229, Infratec 1229, Infratec 1241, NIR System 6500, 3117 Perten DA 7200,
Continue Perten 9100, 3170 Omega G, Omega AC, Omega G, 6110 Omega S, Zeltex 800,16125 Zeltex 800,16131 Zeltex 800,16179
Procedures Follow the procedures of every instrument (each instrument has slightly different procedures) Collect and record the data in the book and spreadsheet Build the control chart Make a 20 point moving average trend line Samples are changed periodically Data log is used to record other events
Control Charts Calculate mean, upper control limit and lower control limit. Upper and lower control limits were set according to this formula:
Data and Results The result summary \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\Daily Check SummaryDaily Check Summary The data and the control charts for each instrument \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc IT \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc IT \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc IT \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc IT \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc NIRSystem \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc Omega AC \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc Omega G \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc Omega G \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc Omega S \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc Perten \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc Perten DA \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc ZX \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc ZX \\Grainbin\QCData\QC Daily Check\qc ZX
Daily Check Summary (Infratec ) Sample Number Avera ge (%) High (%) Low (%) St Dev (%) Range (%)Count CORN Protein (07/29/04- present)Oil Starch Density SOYBEANS Protein (06/29/04- present)Oil
Conclusion When the sample is used in short period, the collected data will be more accurate and easy to be analyzed From the control chart, some instruments have out of control data. These do not mean that the instruments are not stable. These may be caused by: Using the wrong sample Using the wrong calibration ID Inadequate grain Untrained operators
Instrument Duplicates
Objective to measure reproducibility over time and samples of the instruments that are used for service
Materials Corn grain from variety sources Soybeans grain from variety sources Infratec 1225, 0065 Infratec 1229, Infratec 1229, Infratec 1241, Grainspec 5174 (through 2003)
Procedures Prepare the samples Set up instrument that will be used Set up data files Run the samples twice for every tenth sample, record the sample number and source Save the files Build the control chart for every instrument
Control Charts Control charts are built for differences between first and second measurement Calculate mean, UCL and LCL for the differences Upper and lower control limits were set according to this formula:
Data and Results The result summary \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/QC Duplicate SummaryQC Duplicate Summary The data and the control charts \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2000/Corn/Duplicate Corn 2000Duplicate Corn 2000 \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2000/Soybeans/Duplicate Soybeans 2000Duplicate Soybeans 2000 \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2001/Corn/Duplicate Corn 2001Duplicate Corn 2001 \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2001/Soybeans/Duplicate Soybeans 2001Duplicate Soybeans 2001 \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2002/Corn/Duplicate Corn 2002Duplicate Corn 2002 \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2002/Soybeans/Duplicate Soybeans 2002Duplicate Soybeans 2002 \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2003/Corn/Duplicate Corn 2003Duplicate Corn 2003 \\Grainbin/QCData/duplicate summary/2003/Soybeans/Duplicate Soybeans 2003Duplicate Soybeans 2003
Duplicate Summary (Infratec , Soybeans) YearFactoraverageSDSD - Diffn 2000Moisture Protein Oil Fiber RR Sum Moisture Protein Oil Fiber RR Sum
Continue YearFactoraverageSDSD - Diffn 2002Moisture Protein Oil Fiber RR Sum Moisture Protein Oil Fiber RRn/a 0 Sum
Conclusion The precision of the instrument will decrease when it is often used for service Reproducibility make variation in the measurement, specially when the instrument is used for many samples
Equipment Check and Periodic Check of Other Instruments
Objective To demonstrate that all equipment qualifies to be used to support research and service
Materials Equipment/TestMaterial Balance Checks (yearly and single point monthly)balances (8), a standard weight set Thermometer Checks (monthly) IR thermometer, a certified mercury thermometer, water, glass container, stove or oven Divider check (weekly) divider, plastic container (4), corn sample from NIR daily check, balance (Mettler Toledo SB16000) Seed counter Check (weekly) seed counter, a glass container, precounted corn and soybeans seed (100,200,300,400,500)
Continue Equipment/TestMaterial Water test of test weight cup (yearly) water, stove, glass container, quart kettle, pint kettle, Mettler PM4400 Grain test of test weight cup (weekly) corn grain sample, quart kettle, pint kettle, balance Seedburo 8800, hickory striker, GAC 2000, GAC 2100
Procedures Prepare the materials that will be used Read and follow the procedures of every instrument/equipment Record the result in the Lab Q/C book and spreadsheet Build an appropriate chart
Data and Results The data and results: \\Grainbin\QCData\Equipment Check\BalancesBalances \\Grainbin\QCData\Equipment Check\ThermometersThermometers \\Grainbin\QCData\Equipment Check\DividersDividers \\Grainbin\QCData\Equipment Check\SeedcounterSeedcounter \\Grainbin\QCData\Equipment Check\testwttestwt
Balance Check
Thermometer Monthly Check ISU # E Type IR Mercury Date Known ( C ) Meas. ( C ) Differences ( C ) Meas. ( C ) Differences ( C ) Ave Std Dev CV (%)
Rotary Divider Weekly Check (10%)(20%)(30%)(40%) Total Percentage Ave (%) (%) Ave Std Dev CV (%)
Rotary Divider Chart
Seed Counter Weekly Check DifferencesPercentage Known and Meas. Average-0.02 Std. Dev
Seed Counter Chart
Water test of test weight cup (yearly) Date Water Wt (Quart)Deviation Water Wt (Pint)Deviation Average St Dev CV (%)
Water test of test weight cup chart
Grain test of test weight cup (weekly) QuartPint GAC 2000 GAC 2100 Test Weight Test WeightMoisture Test WeightMoisture Test Weight Average St Dev CV (%)
GAC 2000/2100
Conclusion EquipmentConclusion Balances All the balances need to be checked annually for full scale and monthly at one point Thermometer Mercury thermometer is more accurate than IR thermometer IR thermometer need to be adjusted to get a better accuracy Need to be check monthly at various temperature (boiling water, refrigerator, room) DividerRotary divider shows a good accuracy Need to be checked monthly
Conclusion EquipmentConclusion Seed CounterSeed counter chart shows a bad variance curve Need to be checked annually for all samples and weekly for one sample Water test ofShow a quite big deviation test weight cupNeed to be checked annually Need operator training Grain test of Show that grain density decrease over time Need to change sample periodically (at least 1 year) Quart and Pint show almost a same value test weight cupGAC 2000 and 2100 shows a big difference Need to be done weekly
Future Works Make sure that every instrument/equipment in the lab has a right procedure, improve the procedure as needed Set the tolerance for each item of quality control Decide what action should be taken if data is out of tolerance