Silhouettes Photo 2
A silhouette is: The image of a person, an object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single color, usually black, its edges matching the outline of the subject. The interior of a silhouette is basically featureless, and the whole is typically presented on a light background, usually white, or none at all.
The silhouette differs from an outline which depicts the edge of an object in a linear form, while a silhouette appears as a solid shape. Silhouette images may be created in any visual artistic media such as photography, cut paper, drawings, paintings
Origins The word was satirically derived from the name of the parsimonious mid-18th-century French finance minister Étienne de Silhouette, who served for only eight months and was ridiculed for his methods of economic recovery in a time of war (taxing signs of wealth and melting down goldware & silverware)
-During the same period an art form of growing popularity was a shadow profile cut from black paper. -It provided a simple and inexpensive alternative for those who could not afford more decorative and expensive forms of portraiture, such as painting or sculpture. -Those who considered it cheap attached the word "silhouette" to it. The name stuck and so today we know it as a silhouette
Your Task Create 3 Silhouette images 1. Self Portrait in profile with PhotoShop 2. Landscape/portrait/object using natural backlighting 3. Handmade paper cutout + photo inspired by David Allen Reeves
1. Self Portrait silhouettes
Shoot/make a traditional profile silhouettes
2. Using natural backlighting
Landscape, Object
or Portrait Copyright Zurijeta
Michael Kirchner
Matthew Joseph Barnes
3. Handmade paper cutout + photo
inspired by David Allen Reeves David Allen Reeves
Inspired by a book or song David Allen Reeves
Materials: cut papers & lighting David Allen Reeves
Proposed Schedule Silhouettes in Photoshop: Mon & Tues Natural lighting silhouettes should be shot outside of class after Chairs: target due date next Block Cut paper work days: Block- next week
Photoshop Silhouette Overview 1. Shoot silhouette 2. Using the Selections tools create a refined selection in Photoshop 3. Using the Hue and Saturation Adjustment, change the subject to black and the background to white
1. Take Photo
2. Select your subject (using Quick Select tool & Refine Edge)
3. Using the Hue and Saturation Adjustment, click Colorize and change the Saturation and Lightness so the subject is black
3. INVERSE Selection and Using the Hue and Saturation Adjustment, change the background to white
Easy- how to video