Education and Skill Development in Mining Sector
Overview The mining industry in India in general and Gujarat in particular is experiencing critical skill shortage which is driving high turnover of mining manpower and hike in the wages. In contrast, there is high level of unemployment and high expectations of local communities. Changing mind-sets for skill development is required for resolving this issue. Identification of the main stumbling blocks within the skill development effort and articulating the viable solutions and implementation strategies are required.
Key Issues and Challenges in Skill Development in Mining Sector Absence of any skill development legislation and national/ state level skill development body specifically for mining sector. Skill development by mining companies are left to junior level officers whose role is more clerical than facilitation of skills development. Shortage of Skill development Centres in mining areas as this is the least priority area as considered by mining companies. Most mines operate in rural areas having poor or no relevant infrastructure required to facilitate technology based skill development initiatives.
Key Issues and Challenges in Skill Development in Mining Sector Under-utilization of resources available for skill development resulting in upward pressure on skill development cost. Local communities are not involved in skills development strategies. Many educational institutes end up producing qualifications that bear no relation to industry requirement.
Way Ahead A national/ state level skill development body (mining industry specific) having a mandate for: Mining labour research and labour market information system Development of national occupational standards/ curriculum Accreditation and Certification Skill cataloguing Comprehensive long term skill development plan Identification, selection and accreditation of training providers and promote them as an Academy of excellence
Way Ahead Assessing the capabilities of existing mining manpower and requirement of training for enhancing their capabilities Review of present skill development programmes and outcome of training imparted for suggesting effective modalities to facilitate meeting requirement of manpower in various field of mining activities. Assessment of requirement of manpower in next years in different streams and designing training modules in form of orientation course.
Way Ahead Identification and assessment of emerging requirements of formal/ non-formal training and assessment of capacity and potential of the existing institutional set up in relation to emerging skill requirements. Augmenting the role of mining industry from merely advisory level to that of supplementing inputs to further strengthen industry-institute inter-action. Appropriate framework for skill development and capacity building of youth in mining areas with an aim at creating a pool of local skills that can be depended on to remain in the area of their origin thus reducing labour turn over.