Ryan family I have 2 brothers called Ben and Daniel one step brother called Callum and one step sister called Emily but we call her Ems. Pets 1 dog called Bronson Mayos Starblazer he's a Newfoundland. Newfoundlands come form Canada. D.O.B2002 Gender boy Time of birth11.27 To learn about my hobbies click the arrow
My favourite food is KFC pasta carrot chicken, stew.
My favourite game My first favourite game is minecraft Xbox version and call of duty black opps 2
My appearance I have strawberry blond hair and blue green eyes like a blue crocodile.
Ryan, jack, Marcus got in a group to design a carnival costume our group was working hard and taking our time on our costumes we had to pick 2 people to dress up so the people who dressed in the costume was me and jack to be onset we looked ridiculers but it was fun dressing up the most embarrassing part was when we had to come in our costumes in assembly loads of people were laughing at us but we dint care at all and the winners were Chloe and max. Caravel
The bear and the pear chased the heir into there lair. The bear throw the pair at the hair but the hair didn’t care he just stopped and stared.Ow said the pear Ow said the pear you silly bear you never care about your pet pear. My poem
Friends My best friends are Matthew, jack r and Marcus My original normal friends are Anya, Sophie p and Sophie s, Luke,Jaden,Lloyd and Caitlyn are my best friend who is a girls are Anya Caitlyn.
My hobbies When I was 5 years old I came back from my nanny's house and found something in the living room it was a puppy. I jumped with joy and ran up to him to give him a big hug I made a promise that day it was to care for him for my hole entire life no matter what he does ill still love him forever I always play with him. My favourite game I like to play with him is bus driver how you play it is you have to get your dog put him on the blanket and make him lay down on it so you drag the blanket around the house or the garden.