Online Games and PR MT 8425 January 28, 2010
Teens and video games According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project: 77% of teens own a game console 74% of teens own an iPod or MP3 player 60% have a desktop or laptop computer 55% have a portable gaming device (DS or PSP)
Teens own Mobile Phones According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project: Mobile phone ownership is growing amoung teens age % in % in early 2008 Computer ownership has remained stable
How are teens playing? According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project: 50% of teens played games “yesterday” 86% play on a console (Xbox, Playstation, Wii) 73% play on a desktop or laptop computer 60% use a portable gaming device 48% play on their cell phones
Game Genres According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project: 74% play racing games 72% play puzzle games 68% play sports games 67% play action games 66% play adventure games 61% play rhythm games 59% play strategy games 49% play simulations More…
Game Genres…cont. 49% play fighting games 47% play first-person shooters 36% play role playing games 32% play survival horror games 21% play MMOGs 10% use virtual worlds. All data for this section from: Teens-Mobile-Phones-and-Video-Gaming.aspx Teens-Mobile-Phones-and-Video-Gaming.aspx
Adults and Games According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project: More than half (53%) of all american adults play video games of some kind Younger adults are more likely to play than older adults As age increases, play decreases Among adults 65+ who do play, nearly a third play games everyday
How are Adults playing? Gaming consoles are the most popular among younger adults 75% of year old gamers play on consoles, vs. 68% using computers However, computers are the most popular among the total adult gaming population 73% of adult gamers use computers 53% use consoles 35% use cell phones 25% use portable gaming devices
Play is not unproductive People are not only playing games - they’re donating their time Free games are a good platform for advertising Some players create content for games - these players are known as “modders” Other players post their successes on Youtube or Facebook - this is free advertising for the game.
The way games are used (1), Army Recruitment One of the top five games in the world “America’s Army is a communications tool which is designed for free download on the Internet, and it’s a tool that kids can use to try on being a Soldier – virtually,” said Col. Casey Wardynski
The way games are used (2), Coke: offers a couple of simple games on their site in addition to many other web 2.0 applications Many companies use this strategy to attract eyeballs to their product Try it out! Click on “Play”
The way games are used (3) Pepsi, MSN Much the same as Games attract people Keep brand top of mind Games are relatively simple
Games and merchandising The games are not only a carrot to attract potential audience for advertisers They are also big business themselves “They let us continue the enjoyment of playing into non-playing…They allow us to take control of our gaming and our gamer-hood by physically manifesting our appreciation.” From: s/issue_24/152-Video-Game-Merchandise.2 s/issue_24/152-Video-Game-Merchandise.2
Games as online communities Games, whether accessed via console, computer or mobile device are increasingly offering users the chance to go online Online, gamers can compete with each other, play in teams, and compare scores Download additional content - $$ Prizes for competing
Product Placement mobile Prizes for mobile gaming: Certificates to itunes store Free games = exposure to more product, and free advertising for itunes Rhythm games available on mobile device Offers limited number of songs Some songs can be downloaded for free, others must be purchased Interesting solution to problem of how to market music in an online environment?
Product Placement Console Players do not just buy the complete game anymore PS3 easy access to Internet and downloads for all games Music is a big product - other examples?
Questions: Is gaming the next frontier? When teens grow up and keep gaming, will some of these networks replace the web 2.0 networks that are so important now? How do you think a small company can take advantage of the growing popularity of gaming for self-promotion Are simple computer games like the ones on dying out as a way to attract an audience? If so, what is taking their place?