Bureau of Indian Education American Recovery and Reinvestment Act QUARTER 2 REPORTING, DATA QUALITY, PRIOR QUARTER CORRECTIONS AND CLOSEOUT 2011 BIE Summer Institute Reno Nevada Repeat Sessions June 21, 2011 June 22, 2011
2 Overview o Updates o Preparing to Report o Reporting o Significant Errors o Reporting Concerns o Timeline o Correction Phase o Data Quality o OMB Guidance on Reporting o OMB Guidance on Corrections o ARRA Closeout reports o Additional Support o Questions
3 Updates – Changes to Prior quarter reports Beginning on April 1, 2011 recipients can submit data change requests via the ADC (Automated Change Data Tool in Federal Reporting.gov). Chapter 16 of the User Guide How to Request a Change Who can request changes? When can changes be requested? What types of changes can be requested?
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14 Preparing to Report As the Prime Recipient of ARRA funding the following should be established prior to reporting: –DUNS number –Active Central Contractor Registration (CCR ) –Federal Reporting Pin Number (FRPin) –Primary Point of Contact who will serve as your ARRA Reporter during the July 1-10, 2011 reporting period –Identify a Secondary Point of Contact (POC) for your report who is able to report in the Primary POC absence or respond to questions –Download or obtain an updated Tip Sheet(s) for your respective fund(s) to assist with reporting
15 Preparing to Report As the Prime Recipient of ARRA funding identifying the following items prior to reporting will assist with your timely submission of your ARRA Q2 report: –Preparing total expenditures made from the time you received the award to June 30, 2011 to be entered on the Q2 Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure Q2 field. –Outlining job positions during April 1-June 30, 2011 to be entered in Q2 report Number of Jobs & Description of Jobs Created fields. –Identify the vendors paid <$25,000 from the time you received the award to June 30, 2011 to enter into the Total Number & Total Amount of Payments to Vendors <$25,000 fields. –Identify the status of your project and enter the appropriate selection for the Project Status field. –Gather information to appropriately address the Quarterly Activities/Project Description field.
16 FIELD(S)CUMULATIVE/QUARTERLY Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure Cumulative (Receipt of Award –June 30, 2011) Number of Jobs Quarterly (April 1-June 30, 2011) Description of Jobs Created Quarterly (April 1-June 30, 2011) Total Number of Payments to Vendors <$25,000 Cumulative (Receipt of Award –June 30, 2011) Total Amount of Payments to Vendors <$25,000 Cumulative (Receipt of Award –June 30, 2011) Quarterly Activities/Project Description Quarterly (April 1-June 30, 2011) Preparing to Report
17 How to Copy Forward a Previously Submitted Report Click ―Prime Recipient in the Quick Links in the left sidebar At the My Reports View, enter the following search criteria and click ―Search Calendar Year = Select a Calendar Year Calendar Quarter = Select a Previous Calendar Quarter Report Status = Select Submitted Copy Forward
18 How to Copy Forward a Previously Submitted Report Choose the report you want to ―copy forward and click on the link in the Prime Award #/Order # field. Click the Award Number link to open the desired report. Copy Forward
19 How to Copy Forward a Previously Submitted Report Click ―Copy Forward on the report. Click Copy Forward Button You will see a confirmation box asking, ―Are you sure you want to leave this report? (This means you will leave the report in the new quarter, NOT that you are navigating away from the report) You will lose any data that you have updated, including Sub Recipient and Vendor data. Click ―OK to continue to the Copy Report Forward page. No data will be removed from the previous quarter report. Copy Forward
20 Reporting Consequences of Non-Reporting 1st missed report: award official sends a cure notice or other strong letter to remind recipient reporting is mandatory 2 nd missed report: award official will initiate termination action or other strong sanction, including suspension or debarment
21 The following are considered “Significant Errors” by OMB if entered incorrectly. Recipient Name* Award Number* Amount of Award* Number of Jobs* Significant Errors
22 Reporting Concerns Vendors >$25,000 Payments to vendors of $25,000 or more Prime recipients must report required information $25,000 or more under the Vendor Tab of the report on federalreporting.gov The Vendors in this tab should include all vendors of $25,000 or more up to December 31 st
23 Reporting Concerns Vendors <$25,000 Section 1512(c)(4) and OMB Guidance allows for prime recipients to aggregate reporting on Payments to vendors less than $25,000 Fields on Report: –Total Number of Payments to Vendors less than $25K/ Award –Total Amount of Payments to Vendors less than $25K/ Award
24 Number of Jobs Field “Jobs Created/Retained” is reported in the “Number of Jobs” field Number of Jobs is expressed in terms of “full-time equivalents” (FTE) Number of Jobs is a simple calculation: Maintain documentation of how you calculated Number of Jobs and include a description of the calculation in the “Description of Jobs Created” field. Total Number of Hours Worked & Funded by Recovery Act within Reporting Quarter Quarterly Hours in a Full-Time Schedule (520 hours) Reporting Concerns
25 Description of Jobs Created Brief description of the types of actual jobs created or jobs retained Description may rely on job titles Recipient’s existing practice for describing jobs as long as the terms used are widely understood and describe the general nature of the work Include the CALCULATION of how “Number of Jobs" in the Description of Jobs Created field. Example: Total Number of hours ÷ 520 hours = ______________ 1000÷520= Reporting Concerns
26 July Reporting Timeline July 1 – 10 Initial Submission Period (Prime Recipients & Subs Enter Reports) July 11 – 14 Extended Submission Period July Prime Recipient Review Period (Prime Recipients Review Data Submitted by Sub(s) / Prime Recipients & Subs Make Corrections) July 19 – 29 Agency Review Period (Agency Review or Data Submitted / Prime Recipients & Subs Make Corrections) July 30 Recipient Reports published on Recovery.gov
27 Continuous QA Timeline August Continuous QA – Period 1 August 23 Office of Management and Budget Review August 24 Data from Period 1 Published on Recovery.gov August 24 – September 5 Continuous QA – Period 2 September 6 Office of Management and Budget Review September 7 Data from Period 2 Published on Recovery.gov September 8 – September 19 Continuous QA – Period 3 (ends at 11:59 PM ET) September 20 Office of Management and Budget Review September 21 Data from Period 3 Published on Recovery.gov
28 Correction Phase Prime Recipient Review Period July , 2011 Prime Recipient may correct reports at this time. Enter report, make corrections in the appropriate fields. Press submit and enter your FRPIN#
29 Correction Phase Agency Review Period July , 2011 Reports are “locked” and may not be freely modified by recipients Agencies review reports Recipients are provided with formal comments through FR.GOV If a recipient receives a comment, the report is “unlocked” and able to be modified for correction Agencies identify any non-compliant or missing reporters. This information is provided by another department in DOI and DPA does not have access to this information until provided by this office.
30 Correction Phase Comments When your report has been reviewed comments will be provided in the comment screen illustrated below. If you have any questions you can also make a comment through the comment screen. Please check comments periodically throughout the review & quality assurance periods.
31 Data Quality U.S. Department of the Interior ARRA Program Management Support BIA-BIE Monthly Status Report Overall Status as of 04/30/11
33 Data Quality U.S. Department of the Interior ARRA Program Management Support BIA-BIE Monthly Status Report $500K and Above Project Status as of 04/30/11 Projects Awarded, Not Yet Mobilized - Sorted by: (1) Program; (2) Estimated Date of Mobilization
36 ARRA Closeout ARRA Items to check Section 1512 mandates quarterly reports intended to provide the public with an unprecedented level of transparency into federal spending Recipient close-out reports will answer the following: – Who is receiving ARRA dollars and the amount? – What projects are being funded? – What is the completion status? – What is the impact on job creation/retention?
37 Issues/errors identified Confirm the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Funds and the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure fields are correct. Confirm jobs are calculated using the following formula: # of hrs worked/520 = No. of jobs created/retained. You indicated in your report that the project is less than 50% complete; however, you also indicated that there have been zero jobs created. Please justify why there have been no jobs. ARRA Closeout
38 ARRA Closeouts and final reports Award closeout and Final ARRA Quarterly Reporting are two separate processes: – Requirements for submission of Final ARRA report driven by OMB and agency specific guidance ARRA Project Specialist will review reports each quarter to determine which meet criteria and will set Final flag – Award Closeout (final technical, fiscal reporting, etc.) per grant. Timeline is the biggest difference for ARRA award closeout. ARRA Closeout
39 ARRA Closeout ARRA Closeouts and final reports OMB Guidance on when a report can be marked as Final: – Project Status reported as “Fully Completed” – No additional jobs will be funded – All ARRA funds have been expended – All ARRA funds have been invoiced and received – Project status is complete per grant requirements and/or performance measures.
40 ARRA Closeout ARRA Closeouts and final reports DPA review for eligible Final reports – Project Status in My ARRA of “Fully Completed” – BIE Administration Audit completed If work is completed and funds fully expended on a project, closeout process may commence in advance of award end date Once Final report is submitted to FederalReporting.gov no adjustments to ARRA expenditures can be reported. – If an Unexpended Balance remains, additional steps required by DPA: Explanation why Expenditures less than Award Amount and confirmation of no future additional expenditures added to Quarterly Activities Description
41 ARRA Closeout What should be reported in MyARRA if Project Status on a prior report was “Fully Completed” but report did not meet other criteria for Final report at that time? – Report must be completed by the POC for the current cycle – Expect to see Number of Jobs as 0 Update description of Jobs to say no jobs to report for this quarter as work on the project was Fully Completed in a prior quarter. – Review and Update Award Description and Quarterly/Activities as appropriate For both fields follow new guidance on format and content Quarterly Activities with reference to prior project completion –Current quarter activities might include final reporting, payment to vendors for items received in prior quarters, final invoicing/receipt of funds.
42 ARRA Closeout What differences are there to the DPA’s Award Closeout Processes for ARRA? – If no unexpended balance: Standard DPA closeout: Audit > Final Financial Report/Invoice > Final Closeout Final ARRA report submission in next quarterly cycle – If unexpended balance to be returned to DPA Audit, Final Fiscal Report/Invoice and Closed status No budget reduction until Final ARRA report submitted (as we must report full award amount) After close of ARRA Reporting cycle, reduction of award amount is processed, remainder of closeout process completed.
43 DPA Pre-Closeout Review Slot DPA Post-Closeout Review Slot AWARD END DATE days– Advance Close Notif. On-Time Final Reports All project time extension requests should be submitted On-line Expense Statement Printed Expense Statement Continue review closeouts DPA Close Slot 14 days + ~75 Initial Review On-line Expense Statement Printed Expense Statements Last day for changes or to provide evidence of an DPA-approved time extension On-line Expense Statements Last opportunity to check for errors (on-line expenditure statement date + 2 working days) BIE/DPA Summary of ARRA Closeout Schedule (awards with reports due 0-90 days after end date) Set up Early notification schedule Post Final Expenses Close Notif. Request No-Cost Extension Finalize review From DPA 60 day After Notif. 75 day After Notices DPA/Unit Interaction Model adopted from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Office of Sponsored Programs
44 ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FederalReporting.gov allows Recipients to submit and Federal Agencies to review required Recovery Act reporting data. If you need help with registering as a user, submitting a report, reviewing a report, or other website functions, contact their Service Desk. Service Desk Information Phone: TTY: Chat: LivePerson SupportLivePerson Support
45 ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FederalReporting.gov – –Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) –Service Desk (also on previous slide) –Downloads Tab (Reference Data and Additional Links) –Includes reporting templates, Recipient Reporting Data Model, Webinars, User Guides, Look-ups for congressional districts, agency codes, CFDA numbers, Program Source numbers, and ZIP code information Recovery.gov website – –Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) DOI Recovery website –
46 Marie Sandoval – ADD Navajo Ph: Yvonne Davis – ADD West Ph: Johnnita Tsabetsaye Ph: BIE ARRA CONTACTS