Computer Graphics at The Ohio State University
Computer Graphics Group Ranked US News Top 15 Research Foci: computer animation, geometry modeling, scientific visualization 6 faculty and ~20 Graduate Research Assistants Many government (DOE, DOD, NASA, NSF,ARO,NIH) and industry funded (Honda, Ameritech, TI, Mitsubishi) research projects Strong collaboration with local organizations such as Advanced Computing Center for Art and Design (ACCAD) and Ohio Super Computer Center
Faculty at OSU Roger Crawfis Scientific visualization Medical visualization Image-based Rendering Tamal Dey Geometric Computing Reconstruction, Meshing Raghu Machiraju Sci. Viz., Graphics Application-specific data analysis Inverse approaches Rick Parent Modeling Animation Han-Wei Shen Scientific Visualization Parallel Graphics Rafe Wenger Computational Geometry N-Dimensional Contouring Bio-medical visualization
Computer Graphics Courses 581 – Survey of Computer Graphics (OpenGL) Introduction to Computer Graphics 682 – Computer Animation 694L- New Visualization 781- Introduction to 3D Image Generation 782- Advanced 3D Image Generation 784- Geometric Modeling 788 – Visualization, Animation, Geometric Modeling Advanced Studies on Computer Graphics 793- Independent studies 999- Research
Suggested Course Sequence Introduction to Computer Graphics (AU03,WI04) 682 – Computer Animation (WI04) 694L- New Visualization (SP04) 781- Introduction to 3D Image Generation(WI04) 782- Advanced 3D Image Generation(AU03) 784- Geometric Modeling (SP04) AU03 (681) WI04 682/781 SP04 784/694L AU04 782
Computer Animation Prof. Rick Parent Projects with Ameritech, Texas Instruments, Honda, etc Collaboration with ACCAD
Scientific Viz and Graphics Prof. Roger Crawfis, Raghu Machiraju, Han-Wei Shen Projects with NASA Ames Research Center, Department of Energy (Lawrence Livermore, Oak Ridge), Department of Defense, NSF Collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA Close ties with Ohio Supercomputer Center, Departments of Physics, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Radiology and BioMedical Informatics Collaboration with other engineering/science departments and universities elsewhere
Scientific Visualization Prof. Roger Crawfis, Raghu Machiraju, Han-Wei Shen Projects with NASA Ames Research Center, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, NSF etc.
Scientific Visualization Collaboration with other engineering/science departments
Medical Visualization Projects with OSC and Biomedical Informatics department
Sample Work (Synthesis, Modeling) Reconstruction Inverse Problems Video->Model->Animation Rough Surfaces, Level Sets Light Material Interaction Varying Reflectance Subsurface Scattering Optimal Views (triangles)
Sample Work Biological Imaging Fluids Solids Finding Features in Presence of Noise Segmentation
Geometric Modeling Prof. Tamal Dey and Rephael Wenger Projects funded by NSF, ARO, DARPA, NIH Collaborations with Stanford University, UIUC and Hong-Kong U. of Science & Technology Collaborations with Civil Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Cancer Genetics
Geometric Modeling Tamal K Dey ` Surface Reconstruction
Shape Segments and Matching Tamal K Dey
Computer Analysis and Generation of RLGS Profiles Dr. Rephael Wenger Restricted Landmark Genomic Scanning 2D Gel Electrophoresis Spots correspond to DNA fragments Normal TissueCancerous Tissue
Isosurface Construction in 4 and 5 dimensions; Multi-resolution isosurface construction ; Interval volume generated from 4D isosurface Full resolution Jet stream – Time varying data Adaptive resolution Isosurface Construction Rephael Wenger