Cohort Graduation Rate
Understand the changes to the graduation rate Understand how the cohort graduation rate will affect schools and districts Objectives
Cohort Graduation Rate The cohort graduation rate is based on students who enter high school in a given year and record how many of them graduate with a regular diploma within 4 years. States must compute and report a 4 year rate. States may request to also report a 5 year rate. In Spring 2011 ODE will report the four- year cohort graduation rate for first-time 9 th graders in and the five-year rate for first time 9 th graders in Definition
Cohort Graduation Rate Modified diplomas and GEDs will reduce a school’s graduation rate. The non-regulatory guidance regarding the cohort rate can be found here: May a GED, alternative diploma, or certificate of attendance be counted as a regular high school diploma? (see Section A, Regular high school diploma, A-34) No. Alternative graduation credentials that are not fully aligned with a State’s academic content standards may not be counted as a regular high school diploma for the purpose of calculating the four- year or extended-year graduation rate. Thus, students who graduate with a credential other than a regular high school diploma, such as a GED, modified diploma, or certificate of attendance, may not be included in the numerator, but must be included in the denominator of the four-year and extended-year graduation rate. Definition (cont)
Cohort Graduation Rate Timeline ODE will start communicating with districts regarding students with and high school entry years. August 2010 Deadline for districts to return confirmation of cohort membership and final outcomes returned to ODE by districts October 2010 Districts will preview the four-year an five-year cohort graduation rates Early March Cohort graduation rates released Mid-April 2011 Cohort graduation rates included in AYP Designations August 2011
Cohort Graduation Rate State graduation goal is that 90% of students achieve a regular high school diploma in 4 years. Establish yearly targets for the four- and five-year rates. Targets increase over 11 years to reach the graduation goal. Four-year rate target is 65% for AYP. Five-year rate target is 70% for AYP. Graduation Targets
Cohort Graduation Rate State graduation goal is that 90% of students achieve a regular high school diploma in 4 years. Establish yearly targets for the four- and five-year rates. Targets increase over 11 years to reach the graduation goal. Four-year rate target is 65% for AYP. Five-year rate target is 70% for AYP. Graduation Targets
Cohort Graduation Rate Schools will meet on graduation if they meet any one of the following: Their four-year rate meets or exceeds the four-year rate target. (65% for ) They reduce the percent of students not graduating within four years by 10% from the previous year. Their five-year rate meets or exceeds the five-year rate target. (70% for ) Cohort and AYP
Cohort Graduation Rate Dos Clarify what happened to students in the past using ODE’s survey tool Code the reason why students leave school accurately in the new Cumulative ADM Submit in SSID an accurate year for students’ first year in High School (9 th grade) Retain some information (i.e. documentation) regarding the reason students leave school in grades 7-12 Dos and Don’ts
Cohort Graduation Rate Don’ts Districts should not code students at the district level unless a school is not accountable for the educational decisions regarding the student Dos and Don’ts (cont)
Cohort Graduation Rate Cohort Graduation Rate counts regular diplomas within 4 years GEDs, modified diplomas, extended diplomas, and certificates will reduce the graduation rate In a Nutshell