PCLaw & Electronic Billing Metadata PCLaw & Electronic Billing Dana L. Riel Eastern Legal Systems, LLC © 2013 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2010 Business Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved
What is Electronic Billing? Electronic Billing – or more accurately, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) – is a common way to exchange time & billing information in an electronic format While there are over 250 different types of EDI formats, the most common are – LEDES 1998B LEDES 2000 Examen Tymetrix
Why Do Companies Want Electronic Billing? Global and domestic corporations are under pressure to reduce their costs and slash spending. Firms that provide outside services – especially legal services – are a natural target
What’s Involved with Electronic Billing? There are two parts involved in this process: A software application that allows firms to produced electronic data interchange (.edi) files Products and services that interpret .edi files and make it possible for firms to receive invoice data
Step 1: Contact your client for specific instructions for filing your invoices electronically Your client will send a packet of information, outlining how the data file is to be transmitted This information includes, but is not limited to – The name of the web site for transmission Your firm’s login name and password Guidelines on charging for fees and expenses Follow up with the web site used to transmit your data by signing up for an online tutorial Do this first – these steps will give you information you need in order to set up your files for billing
Step 2: Set Up Your Matter(s) for Electronic Billing On the Main tab, select a type of law that is compatible with the set of task codes that will be used
On the Billing tab, check the box “Use Task Based Billing” Choose the “Associated Type of Law” that matches the Type of Law selected on the Main tab
Finally, click on “Add Tabs” to add the tab for the EDI format to be used
By selecting the LEDES tab option, a new tab is added to the matter with the appropriate fields Note an EDI billing template has also been selected Finally, because we made this selection with the field “Associate Custom tabs with Client” checked, this tab has been added to all matters connected to this client
Step 3: Set Up Timekeepers Options Lists Lawyers & Rates Highlight the Special Rate tab for each timekeeper Fill in the appropriate section for each timekeeper, depending on the EDI format used
Step 4: Enter Time & Expenses Because you tagged a Matter to use task-based billing codes and identified the code set to be used, PCLaw will bring up the correct list of tasks and expenses
Because you tagged a Matter to use task-based billing codes and identified the code set to be used, PCLaw will bring up the correct list of explanation codes to describe what was done in providing services
In electronic billing, both a rate and number of units are required. Metadata Because you tagged a Matter to use task-based billing codes and identified the code set to be used, PCLaw will bring up the correct list of expense codes when entering payables and/or writing checks In electronic billing, both a rate and number of units are required. Either go to System Settings --> Data Entry tab to enable calculation of the amount in terms of Rate X Unit Cost as a global setting. Alternatively, the definition of the “E” codes can be changed to require Rate X Unit Cost for calculating amounts. Go to Options Lists Explanation codes and edit each “E” code Tip: If the m button is not available, Quantity x Rate must be enabled on the System Settings > Data Entry >tab. Quantity x Rate can also be set as a default setting for specific explanation codes. Use the Explanation Codes feature to customize explanation codes. Copyright 2010 Business Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Step 5: Create Bill When generating your bill(s), include in your output selection Editor, AND Screen or Printer The invoice is saved as a file ###.edi where ### represents the invoice number. The printable copy uses the template selected on the Matter Manager > Billing tab. Save this copy for your records. The template selected on the tab added in the Matter Manager creates an electronic image to be sent to the billing party.
Questions? Contact: Dana Riel DLR@easternlegalsystems.com