Final Exam Preparation Presented by: Eric B. Miller Academic Advisor
Do you feel like this when you start thinking about preparing for final exams?
After today you will know… Your learning & studying preferences What your study schedule is for final exams Helpful Tips to Achieve Successful Studying Organize Spend Time Wisely Strategize to Overcome Problems Tips for Taking a Final Exam
What is your learning preference? Before you can begin preparing, you need to understand how you learn best… Auditory – Learn by hearing. Record study sessions for future playback. Rehearse and repeat information out loud as you study. Study with a partner and take turns teaching each other important concepts. Use rhymes or jingles to help remember information. Study with quiet music in the background Experiential – Learn by doing. Use a highlighter and/or take notes to keep active while reading. Personalize the information you’re learning (how does it relate to you?). Break studying into manageable chunks. If you talk with your hands, do the same while you’re studying. Keep a stress ball handy. Visual – Learn by seeing. Minimize your distractions (windows, computers, phones). Create an outline. Look for pictures to help you relate material. Use color in your notetaking. Draw on your notes – boxes, underline – anything to draw attention to key concepts. What is your learning preference?
Study Tips for Specific Learning Styles Visual Learners: Create an Outline. Use colors when taking notes. Draw on your notes to bring attention to key concepts. Use graphs, charts & drawings while studying to help you relate the material. Flash cards are helpful while studying, useful in self-testing Pre-test are also helpful for visual learners. Minimize any distractions
Study Tips for Specific Learning Styles Auditory Learners: Use audio cues to learn information (e.g. creating rhymes or songs). Use audio recordings of lectures/notes to retain information. Read out loud as you study. Study with a partner and take turns teaching each other the material.
Study Tips for Specific Learning Styles Tactile/Experiential Learners: Use projects and experiments to learn information. Use formulas if possible. Create models & graphs to retain information. Keep a stress ball handy
Organize – So you know where to start! When will you have time to study? 168 hours in a week Block out committed times Work/School/Other required commitments Block out sleep, eating, and personal readiness Look at times left and other needs
Organize – Study Plan For each class identify difficulty and final exam preparation needs Cumulative Exam? Percentage towards final grade? What materials should I study? Use syllabus and notes to determine topics to study How much emphasis was put on each topic area or chapter? Rate your level of knowledge (1=none to 10=completely comprehend) Based on all of the above, designate blocks of time you study for each course. Be sure to keep in mind how much time you have until your first exam and in between each exam Use your “Exam Planner” to help organize! For each class, gather the relevant study materials, tools and equipment. For example, you’ll need your course outline, class notes and your text or lab manual. If you have study guides, lab exams and midterms, gather those as well. Make sure you have the correct answers for any exams. Make a list of the topics you’ve covered during the term or the year. This list of topics and estimate your current level of knowledge of this topic, on a scale from 1–10 and jot this number in pencil beside the topic heading. Based on these estimates, decide which topics to study first and which will take the longest. Once you have identified the most important and difficult topics, review your exam schedule to see how much time is available for this exam and assign a block of time for each topic.
Spend Time Wisely!! Plan for adequate sleep, exercise, and meals The remaining class and study times are precious – miss only for extreme reasons!! Watch your energy and anxiety levels A little anxiety is a good thing—what if you have too much anxiety? Schedule time for adequate sleep, exercise and meals. Your brain depends on these to function. Be careful about the amount of coffee and soda you drink. Watch your energy and anxiety levels. Your ability to learn depends on your ability to concentrate! A little anxiety actually helps your motivation, but too much interferes with your ability to concentrate, interferes with sleep, and drains your energy. Too much anxiety, must be managed…how will you manage? Exercise, relaxation techniques, etc.
Study Skills Help & Study Tips Find a comfortable and quiet place to study Bring EVERYTHING you need with you. HIGHLIGHT definitions Take notes and write down a summary of important ideas as you read through material. Test yourself as you go along. TAKE SHORT BREAKS PERIODICALLY DON’T just read through and try to memorize material, make sure you understand the material well and can apply it. If you choose to study in a group, only study with others who are SERIOUS! Group sessions Alone With distractions Without distractions (at library, etc.) Timed Studying -studies show we retain the first 20 and last 20 mins of a study session Other ways you prefer to study?
Strategize to Overcome Problems Pay attention to your attention Agree with Roommates about study time Turn off the phone/TV/Candycrush Learn to say “no” Hang out a “do not disturb” sign Avoid noise distractions Are you letting others misuse your time? Pay attention to your attention – Be aware of your internal interruptions. If you keep interrupting your studying to remind yourself of something, decide to do it before studying or write yourself a note to do at a later time. Agree with roommates about study time – Make the rules clear to roommates, parents, spouses and kids. Once they are set, stick to them and follow them yourself. Turn off the phone– Stay off the phone when you are trying to study. Simply say “I can’t talk right now, I’m studying.” Most people will understand if it has to do with your education. Learn to say “no”– Saying “no” to a request can be done effectively and courteously. Others want you to succeed as a student and will understand if you say you cannot do something because you are busy studying. Hang a “do not disturb” sign on your door – This will let others know that you are working. Avoid noise distractions – Studying in a quiet environment is best; library, designated study area, etc. Notice how others misuse your time – Be aware of repeat offenders who interrupt your studying. If avoiding the interrupter is impractical, then send a clear message
Strategize to Overcome Problems When you get stuck… What is one task I can accomplish? Am I being too hard on myself? Does this need to be perfect? Can I do just one more thing? What is the best use of my time right now? Can I delegate this? How did I just waste time? (cleaning bathroom) Am I using all the resources available to me?
Strategize to Overcome Problems Avoid Procrastination… Make your plans a part of public record Study with others Step back and check your progress from time to time Verbalize your excuses Visualize success or completion Find a reward
Test Taking Strategies/Tips: PREPARE: good preparation helps you focus on the task at hand. Know where you’re going and arrive early for test. Be comfortable. Stay relaxed and confident. Trust in your preparation. Don’t try to pull an all-nighter. Get as much sleep as possible before the test. DURING TEST: Read the directions carefully. If there is time, look through test for overview. Answer questions in a strategic order: easy questions first Clear your mind - write down key ideas REVIEW: Resist the urge to leave as soon as you complete all items. Be the last to leave. Review to ensure you answered all questions and did not make simple mistakes.
Test Taking Tips – Multiple Choice Read questions before you look at answers. Come up with the answer in your head before looking at possible answers. Read all choices before choosing your answer. Eliminate answers you know are not right. Don’t keep changing your answer, usually your first choice is right, unless you misread the question.
Test Taking Tips – Math Test Read the directions carefully and don’t forget to answer all parts of the question. Make estimates for your answers: e.g., before using your calculator, estimate the answer (5x500=2500) just in case a mistake or error occurs when using your calculator. Show all your work; write legibly Even if you know the final answer is wrong, don’t erase your entire work because you may get partial credit for using the correct procedure.
Test Taking Tips – Open Book Test Spend an equal or greater amount of time preparing as you would for a normal test. Familiarize yourself with the book and relevant materials. If allowed, write down all the important formulas and key information on a separate sheet so you don’t have to search through your book for it. Highlight important points, use post-it notes, bookmarks, etc. Use quotations from the book to support your view, but don’t over quote.
Test Taking Tips – Essay Test Read the directions carefully. Make sure you understand what the question is asking. Budget your time. Make an outline before writing your essay. Focus on one main idea per paragraph. If you aren’t sure about an exact date or number, use approximations i.e. “Approximately 5000” or “ In the late 17th century”
A word about Test Anxiety Test Anxiety is a feeling of agitation and distress. It can occur while thinking about an test or during a test. It can result in difficult concentrating, mental blocks and distractibility. The best defense against Test Anxiety is: Be well prepared for test Think positively Get a good night’s sleep Arrive in plenty of time; dress comfortable Calm yourself during test by taking deep breaths, stretching, and positive internal self-talk
Today I hope you learned… A little about your Learning and Studying Style How to plan for your final exams Strategies to manage your time effectively Ideas about overcoming challenges Some test taking tips Ways to overcome test anxiety
QUESTIONS?? Eric B. Miller (615) 898-2339 Academic Advisor (615) 898-2339 Please fill out the survey on this website to confirm your attendance and to give feedback on this session: