Our Covenant for the Worldwide UMC I. Core values II. Comparison of Central and Jurisdictional Conferences III. Reflections on present Central conferences.


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Presentation transcript:

Our Covenant for the Worldwide UMC I. Core values II. Comparison of Central and Jurisdictional Conferences III. Reflections on present Central conferences IV. Key question on the situation of the US

A Companion Litany to Our Covenant for the Worldwide UMC Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we affirm our unity in Christ. People: We will take faithful steps to live as a worldwide church in mission for the transformation of the world. Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we commit ourselves to be in ministry with all people. People: In faithfulness to the gospel, we will cross boundaries of language, culture, social or economic status as we grow in mutual love and trust.

Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we participate in God’s mission as partners in ministry. People: We share our God-given gifts, experiences, and resources recognizing that they are of equal value, whether spiritual, financial, or missional. Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we commit ourselves to full equality. People: We uphold equity and accountability in our relationships, structures, and responsibilities for the denomination. Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we enter afresh into a relationship of mutuality. People: With God’s grace, we joyfully live out our worldwide connection in mission for the transformation of the world.

Becoming partakers of God’s mission in this world and in accord with the Covenant for a Worldwide UMC (BOD 2012, ¶ 125), we value: Deeper connections throughout the church Greater local authority More equitable sharing of power and representation around the world

As a Connectional Table, our objectives are: * To uncover all matters relating to the worldwide nature of The United Methodist Church and connecting them with the common mission, vision, core values and resources. * To facilitate conversations across the connection that may lead to legislative changes relating to the worldwide nature of The UMC at General Conference.

T HE STUDY ON THE WORLDWIDE NATURE OF THE CHURCH MADE 8 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY : 1: GC remains for all things distinctively connectional 2: UMC shall consist of central conferences 3: A Central conference created in the US, comprising the 5 Jurisdictions 4: CCs outside US may create Jurisdictions 5: CCs as decision making bodies in particular missional contexts 6: Reconfiguration of agencies (global vs. regional) 7: Reconfiguration of connectional funding 8: Bishop’s salaries according to economics

Annual conferences are the fundamental bodies. In the US, the Methodists created a (delegated) General conference with delegates from all annual conferences. Central conferences were created for regional cooperation Annual conferences outside the US were at first only related to General conference up until the creation of central conferences. Annual conference Central conference General conference

CC S OUTSIDE US: MEC 1880’s in Asia EUBC 1922 (Evang.Church) MEC South 1926 MEC 1928: Petition that US become a CC JC S ONLY INSIDE US: 1939 Methodist Church: creation of JCs including central JC

1968 United Methodist Church: - Central Jurisdiction dissolved - Other Jurisdictions in US remain - Outside US: Central conferences remain - Unified general superintendency (all bishops are equal) - Up until 1984: only GBGM had a mandate outside of the US, no other general agency

CC S OUTSIDE US (¶ 31): Promote interests of Church Election of bishops Establish CC Boards Boundaries of AC’s Committee on appeals Adapt parts of BOD Create Judicial Court JC S ONLY IN US (¶ 27): Promote interests of Church Election of bishops Establish JC Boards Boundaries of AC’s Committee on appeals

CC S OUTSIDE US: ¶ 543. Powers and Duties—1. To a central conference shall be committed for supervision and promotion, in harmony with the Discipline and interdenominational contractual agreements, the missionary, educational, evangelistic, industrial, publishing, medical, and other connectional interests of the annual conferences, … within its territory and such other matters as may be referred to it by said bodies or by order of the General Conference; and it shall provide suitable organizations for such work and elect the necessary officers for the same. JC S ONLY INSIDE US: ¶ 525. Powers and Duties of Jurisdictional Conference—The jurisdictional conference shall have powers and duties as described in the Constitution. It shall also have such other powers and duties as may be conferred by the General Conference. It shall act in all respects in harmony with the policy of The United Methodist Church with respect to elimination of discrimination based upon race.

F ROM THE REPORT OF THE S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON C ENTRAL C ONFERENCE M ATTERS TO G ENERAL CONFERENCE 2012: “A careful examination of current practice and conditions shows that central conferences in many parts of the world lack the capacity to function according to their intended mandate. Time did not allow for deeper conversation about more effective and efficient structures, about numbers and boundaries of central conferences, and about new creative ways to structure the work of the UMC outside the US in order to fulfill its mission and ministry in ways that are the most efficient.”

Aim: A Central conference shall supervise and promote the connectional interests related to mission and ministry in its Annual Conferences. In general, a Central conference comprises at least: more than 1 Annual conference; at least 1 Episcopal Area; at least 1 country. It remains an open question how many Annual conferences, Episcopal Areas and countries may make up a single central conference and still remain an effective and efficient connection for the mission and ministry in its region.

Where shall the UMC in the US “conference” on US-related matters for greater effectiveness in the mission of the church? A) as at present on the worldwide level of the general conference? B) in establishing a central conference for the US (as other regions in the world)? C) in establishing a new structure? e.g. a joint meeting of all US jurisdictional conferences or other ideas? - Please specify your idea for a new structure

Related to this key questions, please discuss and give feed-back on the following: Which of the three options A, B, or C, would you prefer and why (and why not the other options)? How would your preference enhance or detract from our disciple- making capacity? Please reflect and comment on how you perceive the consequences of your preferred option on: - the present general conference? - the present jurisdictional conferences in the US? - the present central conferences outside the US? - the general agencies? - the annual conferences? - the local churches? What are other matters to consider, linked to your preferred option?

Additional question: Should a name change for “central conferences” be considered because of the painful history of the central jurisdiction in the US between ? And if so, would you opt for “regional conferences” instead of “central conferences”? or would you propose a different name?