Bucks County Community College Business Studies Department Office Administration Area Spring 2015 TOTAL Lab Online Bucks County Community College Business Studies Department Office Administration Area Spring 2015 TOTAL Lab Online
Welcome to the... ( T echnology O ffice T raining A ccess L earning) Newtown Campus Penn Hall 312
What Does Open Entry Mean ? Open Entry allows you to work at your own pace on coursework at home or in the TOTAL pace on coursework at home or in the TOTAL Lab environment. Lab environment. You will need appropriate software to work from home. from home. You may sign up for TOTAL Lab open entry Spring 2015 classes until Tuesday,March 10. Spring 2015 classes until Tuesday,March 10. All coursework must be completed by All coursework must be completed by May 4, Last day for Testing May 11. Pace yourself accordingly
Spring 2015 TOTAL Lab Hours Spring 2015 TOTAL Lab Hours Monday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 12:30 and 1:30 to 4 p.m. Wednesday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. CLOSED Fridays
Did you know Did you know There is no difference in materials and assignments between a TOTAL Lab Open Entry class and a regular class. There is no difference in materials and assignments between a TOTAL Lab Open Entry class and a regular class.
TOTAL Approach Open Entry/Exit Steps Complete your online or on campus ORIENTATION to start your coursework and receive your course materials. Obtain books, software, and supplies. Begin working at your PACE. Exit when all required covered work is completed. completed.
How do you your course? Different instructors set up their materials in diverse ways. You can find your materials in one of two places: 1.If you attend an on-campus orientation, your materials may be in the packet given to you at orientation. 2. Course materials can also be found in your course space in Canvas®, a Web-based course management system.
There is a link to your course on the BCCC Home Page Go to click E-Resources Click CANVAS insert your username and password click on your OADM Total Lab course click on START HERE or read instructions provided How do you find where your specific course and course instructions are?
TOTAL Course Materials Course Format (Training Packet) Textbook(s) (specified in your Required supplies (specified in your training packet) training packet)
Textbooks Along with your online materials, you will purchase a textbook to complete your assignments. Your course format (training packet) provides you with information on the required textbook on the front page. You may purchase books on campus or through our online bookstore at MBS Direct. Some of your textbooks may be bundled with a flash drive, CDROM, or other ancillary materials.
Bookstore Hours Bookstore Website: Online Bookstore:
Now that you know how to start your course, there are four keys to successfully finishing a TOTAL Lab course.
In a regular 3 (or 2 or 1)-credit class, much of your time is scheduled for you. ◦ You would meet in a classroom 3 (or 2 or 1) hours a week for 15 weeks. That is just the “in class” time—it doesn’t count the time you spend outside of class for: Reading Doing homework Studying for tests ◦ It is generally accepted that for every hour in class, a student should spend 3 hours outside of class. Schedule Your Time First Key to
In a Total Lab class, you must schedule your own time. ◦ Treat this just like a regular class—because it is! ◦ Schedule 4 hours a week for every credit hour. 1-credit class: schedule 4 hours 2-credit class: schedule 8 hours 3-credit class: schedule 12 hours ◦ Some students will need less time and some will need more. ◦ Some courses are tougher than others regardless of the number of credit hours. Plan accordingly. ◦ Stick to your schedule! First Key to (Continued)
To learn new material in a regular class, you: class, you: 1.Read the chapter. 2.Listen to the instructor’s lecture. 3.Participate in class discussion. 4.Take notes. Read Second Key to
Start right away and work steadily on your course. Submit an assignment every week. Waiting will mean fewer weeks to accomplish the coursework. Don’t Procrastinate! So… Third Key to
If you experience a problem, reread the instructions and try again. try again. If you cannot solve the problem on your own, get help before you get frustrated. You can always get help from your instructor. Check for contact information for , phone, and office/lab hours; he or she will be glad to assist you. Ask Questions Fourth Key to
Follow These Steps If You Are Working From Home Your course space along with all course materials, can be found in your online course Canvas course space. Refer to your Training Packet on how your instructor would like course assignments submitted. Testing is required on-campus in TOTAL Lab.
Follow These Steps When Working on campus in the TOTAL LAB Log In and Out of TL in the TOTAL Lab Log Book. You may work in Total Lab at any time during open hours – it is not necessary to come to TL when your lead instructor is scheduled to be there. Send completed assignments for your course through Canvas. Refer to your Training Packet regarding how your lead instructor would like assignments submitted.
Need Assistance ? “TOTAL Help” Our Total Lab learning environment is based on an independent approach where assistance is available if you have questions and/or need help. If students are waiting to use the Lab, you may work in the TOTAL Lab for a maximum 2-hour period. If students are not waiting to use the lab, you may work anytime during open Lab hours: Monday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 12:30 and 1:30 to 4 p.m Wednesday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. CLOSED Fridays
TOTAL Lab Staff Lead Instructor: Professor Manders (225, 226, 260) (Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 – 12:30 and 1:30 to 4:00p.m. Wednesday 10:00 – 12 noon) Wednesday 10:00 – 12 noon) Lead Instructor: Professor Zieziula (140,147,167) (Wednesday 12:00 – 8:00 p.m.) (Wednesday 12:00 – 8:00 p.m.) Lead Instructor: Debbie Grant (141) ( Monday 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.) ( Monday 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.) Lead Instructor: Lyn Huttemann ( 142) (Monday 10:00 -12:00) (Monday 10:00 -12:00) Lead Instructor: Mary Zajac (143) (Monday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.) (Monday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
TOTAL Lab Team Staff The TOTAL Lab Team is available to provide assistance and support to students as they work independently. In this individualized Lab setting, it is important to work carefully and methodically so you do not miss any important information covered in your text.
TOTAL Lab Team Staff Each course format (Training Packet) indicates how to contact your LEAD Instructor. Training Packets can be found in your Canvas course space. Questions regarding grading of assignments and tests should be directed to the and tests should be directed to the appropriate Lead Instructor.
Working in the TOTAL Way First see how well you can complete your assignments on your own… without help from a staff member. When you need help our TOTAL Team staff is available to assist and support students as long as you continue to work independently.
TOTAL Web Access Review Total Lab information at any time by checking our Website location: by checking our Website location:
College Web Access College Web Access You will receive detailed guidelines for new Web access student account information in your TL orientation folder located in Canvas Web Advisor Grades, Program Evaluations, Transcripts and Registration Last name, first initial (Ex: smithj4567) Initial Password: birthdate (mmddyy) example (bd012379) BucksMail Student - Same user account as above Canvas On-line course access - Same user account as above
TOTAL TESTING TOTAL Lab students are required to test in the Lab, Penn Hall 312. Photo I.D. is required at testing.
TOTAL Way to TEST CALL CALL or schedule an appointment with the TOTAL Lab Staff for ALL Tests. (215) When scheduling your test give us your name, course number and phone number along with your desired test date and time. Test times are scheduled at 1 ½ hour intervals.
Arrive promptly for your test appointment and be prepared to begin promptly. and be prepared to begin promptly. Bring your picture ID required for testing. Cancel by calling the Lab if you have to re-schedule your test appointment. re-schedule your test appointment. TOTAL Way to TEST
Follow test protocols while testing; no talking, no leaving the test station. no talking, no leaving the test station. Stop when allotted time has expired. Stop when allotted time has expired. Save all test files to the DESKTOP, not in My Documents. not in My Documents. Write your name and date on test cover sheet. cover sheet. (and any project handed in) TOTAL Way to TEST
Please review and return tests to a staff member at the instructor station. Always review your test PRIOR to taking the next one TOTAL Way to TEST
TOTAL Way to Stay on our Good Side We want you to be SUCCESSFUL keep on track and complete your work… otherwise note Procrastination = F Follow the BCCC Academic Computing policy rules which include: NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES allowed in the Lab allowed in the Lab Turn cell phones OFF while in the Lab
Tests and graded exercises may not leave the LAB. Effort will be made to score and grade projects and tests within one week. Test results will be available by calling TOTAL Lab staff or feel free to stop by the Lab to review your test. TOTAL Way to Stay on our Good Side
Helpful Lab Procedures Keep personal belongings under the tables. Only students currently enrolled in a TOTAL Lab course may utilize the Lab. Hang coats on hooks in designated areas. Refrain from loud talking ~ Penn 312 is a small classroom Schedule your tests when you are ready. Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE !
TOTAL Way to Succeed PACE YOUR progress to assure successful course completion by semester’s end. Procrastination is the main reason why students receive failing grades, so STAY ON TRACK. INCOMPLETE grades are n o t a TOTAL Lab option.
Please keep lines of communication OPEN “talk to us” to discuss questions or issues you may have. Spend appropriate time on homework developing your course assignments. Remember ~ we are here to help you to SUCCEED! TOTAL Way to Succeed
TOTAL Lab Location & Telephone: Penn Hall 312 * (215) 968 – 8055 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Last Day to REGISTER for TL Classes Tuesday, March 10 LAST DATE TO WITHDRAW Tuesday, April 7 Spring Recess (no classes) Monday, March 16 – Sunday, March 22 LAST DATE TO SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS Monday, May 4 LAST DAYS for TESTING Monday, May 4 – Monday, May 11 LAST DAY OF CLASSES Tuesday, May 12
BCCCollege Business Studies Department TOTAL Lab Open Entry Courses Offered
TOTAL Lab Courses Offered Keyboarding/Typewriting I Basic Applications of Microsoft Word Basic Applications of Microsoft Excel Basic Applications of Microsoft Access Microsoft Windows Basic Applications MS Outlook MS Word – Beginning MS Word – Advanced Advanced Keyboarding
Office Skills Accelerated Certificate Program OADM140 Keyboarding/Typewriting I 3 credits OADM141 Basic Applications of Microsoft Word 1 credit OADM142 Basic Applications of Microsoft Excel 1 credit OADM143 Basic Applications of Microsoft Access 1 credit OADM145 Basic Applications of Microsoft PowerPoint 1 credit OADM147 Learning Microsoft Windows 1 credit OADM155 Searching the Web 1 credit
Best of Luck in Your TOTAL Lab Courses at Bucks!
YOU ARE NOW READY TO TAKE YOUR ORIENTATION QUIZ Your quiz can be found in your TOTAL Lab course space in Canvas course space in Canvas Once you score a 10/10, the remainder of your course materials will be released to you. course materials will be released to you. You may take the quiz an unlimited number of times. of times.