复习中 Intro Test 张老师
Conversati on CultureVocabularyNumber
Row 1, Col 1 A: 你好,我是张老师。你呢? B: 我叫 _________ 。 Write your Chinese name here.
1,2 The Chinese greeting 你好 laterally translate ‘”you good” and is a way of a sking how someone is doing. True / False True
1,3 人
1,4 Translate from English to Chinese characters 1235 一千两百三十五
2,1 你好 A: 你好! B: ___________ !
2,2 In Chinese, the first name is said first, so someone name “ 张好好 ” would be call “ 好好张 ”in English. True / False True
2,3 女
2,4 Translate from English to Chinese characters 579 五百七十九
3,1 你早 A: ___________ ! B: 你早!
3,2 If you ask a Chinese person “ 你好吗 ?“ they will not automatically say “fine” and will provide a more detailed answer than an English speaker would. True / False True
3,3 口
3,4 Translate from English to Chinese characters 20 二十
4,1 同学们好 A: 老师好! B:___________ !
4,2 What are the four treasures, the major tools to create calligraphy? Answer in English Paint brush, ink, paper, stone slab
4,3 子
4,4 Translate from English to Chinese characters 3189 三千一百八十九
5,1 老师 A: ________ 再见! B: 同学们再见!
5,2 Write down 4 “Chinese Writing System” in English and an example each w/ a Chinese character Pictographs, pictographic characters 人 山 Associate Compounds 明 好 Self-explanatory character 上 下 Pictophonetic characters 吗
5,3 + 好
5,4 两千两百二十二 Translate from English to Chinese characters 2222