2 Accelerated Reader and Star Reader at Zimmerly Elementary School
3 To determine the effectiveness of the Accelerated Reader Learning Information System (AR) in conjunction with the Star Reader, a Computer-Adaptive Reading Test and Database. Explore the correlation between standardized test scores and Star Reading scores.
4 Accelerated Reader Program and Star Reader installed in classroom computers in December, No training for teachers Some teachers taught themselves how to use the software Difficulty getting books
5 Four inclusion classrooms used AR (Accelerated Reader) for the last half of the school year ( ) One teacher installed class lists for teachers who were interested. New books were purchased for program and put on shelves this year. ( )
6 Client is the school principal and district curriculum director and will use information in planning Teachers Students Parents Administration
7 Size of sample Evaluator’s bias
8 What do teachers know about the Accelerated Reader and how is it being used? What do teachers know about Star Reader and how is it being used?
9 Is there any correlation between Star Reader Test scores and yearly standardized reading tests? Do students who participate in Accelerated Reader show more improvement in standardized reading scores than those who do not participate in Accelerated Reader?
10 Approval received on March 7, 2002 from Sonda Gabriel
11 combination approach utilizing both objective and participatory approaches to evaluate. test scores, surveys, and statistical analyses are quantifiable, and are characteristic of an objectives oriented approach..
12 Participatory Approach: the researcher’s experience with AR and 20 years of teaching reading enhance the expected outcomes of the evaluation.
13 what do teachers know about AR what do teachers know about Star Reader how Star Reader is being used how AR is being used last year’s standardized test scores initial Star Reader scores for this year which classes use AR on a regular basis
14 Data collected from teachers, classroom computers, and student cumulative records. No names were used to preserve confidentiality. Written report
15 survey questionnaire teacher interviews scatter plots pie charts histograms
16 Summaries, percentages, means,and linear regression were used to analyze the data. Cross checking was used to determine validity.
17 Comparison of NCE reading scores on the CTBS and Star Reader Test show an R value of.71 at the 4th grade level and.60 at the 5th grade level. This indicates a fairly high relationship between the 2 scores. All classroom teachers at Zimmerly use the Star Reader for placing children in reading groups and assessing progress.
18 There are no classrooms at Zimmerly that use Accelerated Reader on a regular basis. Ninety-one percent of the teachers want to learn more about Accelerated Reader. There are 328 Accelerated Reader books in the school library.
19 teachers surveyed believe AR is motivating eighty-two percent of the teachers exhibit confusions about AR and Star Reader teachers surveyed would like training in the use of the Accelerated Reader
20 National Technology Goals New Mexico Basic Competencies for Licensure,teachers National Educational Technology Standards Socorro Consolidated Schools Tech. Goals
21 Teachers are eager to learn how to use AR. Lack of training has inhibited the use of AR. There is a fairly high correlation between standardized test scores and Star Reader. There are not enough books in the library to support the AR program.
22 Teachers need immediate technical support to use these programs. More computers would facilitate use of both STAR Reader and AR.. Teachers are using STAR reader but about 50% would benefit from information about reports available and how to use the information.
23 Accelerated Reader and Star Reader meet technology standards and benchmarks for students and teachers as stated in National Educational Technology Standards, New Mexico’s Educational Technology Plan, and Socorro Consolidated School District’s Technology Plan. These programs are motivating to students.
24 Do a cost analysis to determine if this program is cost effective. Discuss with the district whether they are willing to fund this program. Make a decision as to what direction the district wants to follow.
25 Buy more books Train teachers Develop an easy use manual for each program Link all classrooms to one computer
26 When I discussed collecting data with teachers from classrooms who said they used AR on a regular basis, they said they had just started using it on a regular basis. No class used it all year. As a result, there was no data to answer evaluation question 4.
27 students are excited about AR give up other activities to read feel good about immediate feed back like to use the computer try to do better record keeping for teacher
28 May I skip recess and read? I have read 20 books! This book is really good. This is fun. I made a 100% on my test. Can we read some more? I finished another book.
29 Children are enthusiastic about reading. Students who had no interest in anything are excited about reading. Students willingly take out AR books and read when they finish their other work. Children reading from PP to 9th grade feel successful.