Cleaner Streams Grady Erickson City of Lincoln - Lancaster Health Department & Mandi Conway Watershed Management Division
Who We Are Watershed Management Division Manage stormwater Reduce flood hazards Improve water quality Outreach & Education Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department Keep America Beautiful Keep Lincoln-Lancaster County Beautiful Work closely with other entities
What We Are Doing Promoting and educating the importance of clean waterways Help reduce Non-Point Source Pollution Keep streams and lakes clean and beautiful EPA has identified non-point source pollution to be the largest threat to the lakes, rivers, and streams of the United States 70% of all pollution
How Does This Effect Lincoln? Storm drains don’t treat water for pollutants Streams aren’t capable of protecting themselves against chemical and debris influx Water quality directly affects the health of fish, birds, mammals and plants 5 streams in Lincoln don’t meet EPA standards
Facts on Non-Point Source Pollution
Pet Waste Illegally dumped down storm drains Storm drains are NOT treated first so waste ends up directly in places such as Holmes Lake Spreads bacteria, illnesses and parasites Ex: E. Coli, cholera and tapeworm EPA classifies pet waste as a dangerous pollutant in the same category as toxic chemicals and oil. One dog can produce 274 lbs of waste annually 60 million dogs in U.S. = 16.4 billion lbs each year 36,358 dogs in Lincoln = 9.96 million lbs each year
Fertilizer Too much fertilizer isn’t a good thing Plants can only use so many nutrients One pound of excess phosphorus in a lake can create pounds of algae Algae blooms create hypoxic water Low oxygen = Fish kills N-P-K on bag, P should be 3 or less
Oil Do-it-Yourself oil changes dump or spill more oil in a month than major tanker disasters In the U.S. 200 Million Gallons of used motor oil is improperly disposed of, Annually The BP Oil Spill and Exxon Valdez Disaster have released 211 Million Gallons. Those occurred 21 Years Apart One quart of motor oil can contaminate 250,000 Gallons of drinking water When poured into water, one quart of motor oil can form an oil slick covering 9,680 square yards (almost 2 football fields)
Debris Eroding soils create sediment which can change the flow of streams and add unwanted nutrients and microorganisms Sediment pollution causes $16 Billion in environmental damage annually. Grass clippings, leaves and organic debris add excess nutrients to water Trash can be appealing to many animals, they can become entangled or ingest them and suffer severe consequences
Our City 5 Streams in the Lincoln area do not meet EPA standards. All streams and lakes impaired in some way YOU CAN HELP!
What Will Cleaner Streams Volunteers Do? Spend 2 – 3 hours picking up litter in and around a stream Sample water for pH, oxygen, turbidity, and temperature Learn about our lakes and streams!
Things You Will Do If You Join SWAP Mark storm drains with “No Dumping: Drains to Creek” emblem Survey conditions of storm drains Help clean areas around storm drains and some waterways (i.e. neighborhoods) Distribute door hangers to Homes in neighborhoods to educate families
Only With a Strong Community Effort Can We Help Keep Our Waterways Clean and Healthy
We Need You! Contact the Adopt-A-Stream Coordinator Mandi Conway (402) Contact the SWAP Coordinator Grady Erickson or Call (402)